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Ohm's law is the basic answer. Voltage = Current * Resistance is ohms law. In order to find current divide voltage by Resistance V/R=I where I is current.

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Q: What is the mathematical equation to find electric current?
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Voltage times current.

An electric DC circuit is attached to a 12-volt battery and has a 3-ohm resistor in it find the current flowing through the circuit?

Use the equation, V= IR from Ohm's Law V is the voltage, I is the current, and R is the resistance in ohms So then, solve the equation for I (the current) and you get I=V/R. Then just plug in the values... I= 12/3, which equals 4 A. (For current, it is measured in amperes, or just "A" as the unit.)

What type of current flows through an electric current?

Current is the flow of electrons. This could be DC (direct current like what you find in a battery) or AC (alternating current, what you find in a regular plug for example). Current is measured in Amperes or amps. And if you have the unfortunate chance of being shocked, amps are what could actually harm you or kill you.

What is a current you can find on earth other than electric ocean or wind?

Heat, wind, water, and electric currents.

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Mr.Farleys class :)

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circumference of a circle = diameter*pi or 2*pi*radius

What does not conduct heat or electric current?

hmmm i also have the same question but i cant find it.

What was the calculator used for?

A calculator is used to find mathematical equation that are very difficult. Calculators also help to make life easier with the use of technology.