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x^2 + 5x - 66 = 0

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Q: What is the quadratic equation for solutions -11 and 6?
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What are the solutions for X squared minus 5x equals 6?

The solutions to the quadratic equation are: x = -1 and x = 6

X 2 5x -6 What are the solutions to the quadratic equation?

x2+5x-6 = 0 (x+6)(x-1) = 0 x = -6 or x = 1

What are at least four ways in how to solve a quadratic equation?

1 By factorizing it 2 By sketching it on the Cartesian plane 3 By finding the difference of two squares 4 By completing the square 5 By using the quadratic equation formula 6 By finding its discriminant to see if it has any solutions at all

What is the most simplest way of solving quadratic equations?

Use the quadratic formula. A calculator will help with the squares and fractions and especially with square roots. If the equation is ax2 +bx +c = 0, then x = (-b +/- sqrt(b2-4ac))/2a. With a simple equation like x2+5x-6=0, you can solve by factoring: (x+6)(x-1)=0 <=> x=-6 or x=1. However, the quadratic formula will work on any equation.

Solve y 3x2 6x-9 using the quadratic formula?

To find the zeros of this quadratic function, y= 3x^2 + 6x - 9, we must equal y to 0. So we have the quadratic equation: 3x^2+6x-9 = 0, where a = 3, b = 6, and c = -9 The quadratic formula: x = [-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)]/(2a) substitute what you know into this formula; x = [-6 ± √(6^2 - 4 x 3 x -9)]/(2 x 3) x = [-6 ± √(36 +108)]/6 x = (-6 ± √144)/6 x = (-6 ± 12)/6 Simplify: mulyiply by 1/6 both the numerator and the denominator; x = -1 ± 2 x = -1 + 2 or x = -1 - 2 x = 1 or x = -3 So solutions are -3 and 1. If you check the answers by plugging them into the equation, you will see that they work.

Related questions

What are the solutions for X squared minus 5x equals 6?

The solutions to the quadratic equation are: x = -1 and x = 6

How many real solution exist for the equation 1.1x2 plus 3.3x plus 4 equals 6?

1.1x2 + 3.3x + 4 = 6 First rearrange the equation to equal zero so that we can use the quadratic formula. 1.1x2 + 3.3x - 2 = 0 Using the quadratic formula, the solutions are x = -3.52 and x = 0.52 Both of these solutions are real, so the original equation has two real solutions.

What type of equation is b2-4ac?


X 2 5x -6 What are the solutions to the quadratic equation?

x2+5x-6 = 0 (x+6)(x-1) = 0 x = -6 or x = 1

What is -1x plus 5x plus 6?

-x^2 - 11x - 30 If you intended -1(x squared), making a quadratic equation, the solutions are -1 and +6.

2x2 equals 10x plus 6?

46Improved answer:First rearrange this quadratic equation which will have two solutions :2x2-10x-6 = 0Simplify the equation by dividing all terms by 2:x2-5x-3 = 0Then by using the quadratic equation formula it will work out as:x = (5 + the square root of 37)/2or x = (5 - the square root of 37)/2

What represents the solutions of a quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is one that can be written as y=Ax^2+Bx+C. The solutions are the values of x that make y=0. If an equation has solutions, say x=M and x=N, then Ax^2+Bx+C=(x-M)(x-N). For example: y=x^2-5x+6 So we want to find what values of x make the equation true: 0=x^2-5x+6 This happens at x=2, when y=(2)^2-5*(2)+6 =4-10+6 =0 and at x=3, when y=(3)^2-5*(3)+6 =9-15+6 =0 So the solutions are x=2 and x=3, and the equation can be written as y=(x-2)(x-3).

What is the radical equation 4 equals x2-2-x?

It is a quadratic equation and can be rearranged in the form of:- x2-x-6 = 0 (x+2)(x-3) = 0 Solutions: x = -2 and x = 3

How do you Find the equation of a quadratic function with solutions of -2 and ¾?

If: x = -2 and x = 3/4 Then: (4x-3)(x+2) = 0 So: 4x2+5x-6 = 0

How do you factor X squared minus 36?

This is a basic quadratic equation. The question must be regarded as, How do you factor x² - 36 = 0 ? This equation can be written as x² - 6² = 0, which factors as (x + 6)(x - 6) = 0 This leads to the solutions (or roots) x = -6 and x = 6, often written as x = ±6

What is the expression b2-4ac under the radical sign in the quadratic formula?


Can an unknown variable have two values that satisfy an equation?

Yes; this is quite common for a quadratic equation. For example:x2 - 5x + 6 = 0has the two solutions 2, and 3.A cubic equation may have up to 3 solutions; a polynomial of degree "n" can have up to "n" solutions.A trigonometric equation usually has an infinite number of solutions, because the sine function (for example) is periodic.Example: sin x = 0, with solutions 0, pi, 2 x pi, 3 x pi, etc. (assuming angles are measured in radians, as is common in advanced mathematics).Yes; this is quite common for a quadratic equation. For example:x2 - 5x + 6 = 0has the two solutions 2, and 3.A cubic equation may have up to 3 solutions; a polynomial of degree "n" can have up to "n" solutions.A trigonometric equation usually has an infinite number of solutions, because the sine function (for example) is periodic.Example: sin x = 0, with solutions 0, pi, 2 x pi, 3 x pi, etc. (assuming angles are measured in radians, as is common in advanced mathematics).Yes; this is quite common for a quadratic equation. For example:x2 - 5x + 6 = 0has the two solutions 2, and 3.A cubic equation may have up to 3 solutions; a polynomial of degree "n" can have up to "n" solutions.A trigonometric equation usually has an infinite number of solutions, because the sine function (for example) is periodic.Example: sin x = 0, with solutions 0, pi, 2 x pi, 3 x pi, etc. (assuming angles are measured in radians, as is common in advanced mathematics).Yes; this is quite common for a quadratic equation. For example:x2 - 5x + 6 = 0has the two solutions 2, and 3.A cubic equation may have up to 3 solutions; a polynomial of degree "n" can have up to "n" solutions.A trigonometric equation usually has an infinite number of solutions, because the sine function (for example) is periodic.Example: sin x = 0, with solutions 0, pi, 2 x pi, 3 x pi, etc. (assuming angles are measured in radians, as is common in advanced mathematics).