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Logs to base 10 are common logs and are abbreviated to lg; to solve use antilogs:

lg x = 2

→ 10^(lg x) = 10^2

→ x = 10² = 100

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You have to take antilogs on both sides of the equation to solve this. On the left, this will make the "log" disappear; on the right, you get 10 to the power 2.

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The value is 100.

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Q: What is the value of x if log base 10 of x equals 2?
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If 2 raised to the x equals 10 then what is x?

X is the log(to the base 2) of 10 = 3.324(rounded)

What is the value of log 1?

log 1 = 0 if log of base 10 of a number, N, is X logN = X means 10 to the X power = N 10^x = 1 x = 0 since 10^0 = 1

What is x if 2 to the x power equals 0.5?

2x = 0.5: This is like asking for the logarithm of 0.5, to the base 2. A scientific calculator normally has logarithms for base 10 and base e, but not for other bases. However, you can calculate this is log(0.5) / log(2). It doesn't matter what base you use for your logarithms, just keep it consistent. For example, with base 10, log(0.5) / log(2) = -0.301 / 0.301 = -1.

What is log 50 to the base 0.1?

log0.1 50 = log10 50 / log10 0.1 ~= -1.699 To work out the log to any base b, logs to another base can be used: When logs are taken of a number to a power, then the power is multiplied by the log of the number, that is: log(bn) = n log b Taking logs to base b the power of b that equals the original number is being found, that is if: bn = m then logb m = n So, by using the logs to a base to which the answer can be known, the log to any base can be calculated: bn = m => n log b = log m => n = log m / log b => logb m = log m / log b as long as the same base is used for the logs on the right. It is normal to use base 10 or base e which are found on calculator buttons marked log (base 10) and ln (log natural - base e).

What is the answer to log3 10?

I will assume that you mean log base 3 to 10. So 3 to the power of what equals 10?The answer is not rational, that is it cannot be expressed in terms of m/n where m is an integer, n is a natural number.So there is only one way to write it, the proper definition way. i.e. log (3) 10(log base 3 to 10)Improved Answer:-log3(10) = 2.0959032743 because 32.0959032743 = 10

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If y equals 10 then what is then what is y equals log x?

y = 10 y = log x (the base of the log is 10, common logarithm) 10 = log x so that, 10^10 = x 10,000,000,000 = x

What is the log of 40000?

It is the value that when the base you have chosen for your log is raised to that value gives 40,000 log with no base indicated means log to any base, thought calculators often use it to mean logs to base 10, which is often abbreviated to lg lg(40,000) = log{base 10} 40,000 ≈ 4.6021 ln(40,000) = log{base e} 40,000 ≈10.5966

What is log 100 base e?

log 100 base e = log 100 base 10 / log e base 10 log 100 base 10 = 10g 10^2 base 10 = 2 log 10 base 10 = 2 log e base 10 = 0.434294 (calculator) log 100 base e = 2/0.434294 = 4.605175

If 2 raised to the x equals 10 then what is x?

X is the log(to the base 2) of 10 = 3.324(rounded)

When you calculate log5 you would be finding the value of what expression?

The base of log, if unspecified, is taken to be 10 so you would be finding the value of the logarithm of 5 to the base 10.This is the value x, such that 10^x = 5.

What is the exact solution of 10 to the x power equals 97?

Take logs of both sides - you can use any base, to give the answer: 10^x = 97 → log(10^x) = log(97) → x log(10) = log(97) → x = log(97) ÷ log(10) If you use common logs (logs to base 10) - highly recommended in this case), then: lg(10) = 1 → x = lg(97)

What is log x equals 6?

It is a logarithmic equation with one variable x. Although the question does not ask for the value of x, if the logs are to the base 10, then x = 106 or 1 million.

What is value of log?

log (short for logarithm) does not actually have a value. It is actually an operation. So if you see log(10), for instance, you need to take the logarithm of the number in the parenthesis. To do that, just ask yourself "ten raised to WHAT POWER equals the number inside the parenthesis?" And log(#) = that exponent. To finish the example above, log(10) asks you 10? = 10. The answer here is 1, so log(10)=1.

How do you solve log base 2 of x - 3 log base 2 of 5 equals 2 log base 2 of 10?

[log2 (x - 3)](log2 5) = 2log2 10 log2 (x - 3) = 2log2 10/log2 5 log2 (x - 3) = 2(log 10/log 2)/(log5/log 2) log2 (x - 3) = 2(log 10/log 5) log2 (x - 3) = 2(1/log 5) log2 (x - 3) = 2/log 5 x - 3 = 22/log x = 3 + 22/log 5

Solve ln y equals xln e?

ln is the natural logarithm. That is it is defined as log base e. As we all know from school, log base 10 of 10 = 1 just as log base 3 of 3 = 1, so, likewise, log base e of e = 1 and 1.x = x. so we have ln y = x. Relace ln with log base e, and you should get y = ex

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When the unknown is in the power you need to use logs (to any base) and the rule: log(a^b) = b × log(a) Thus: 10^x - 4 = 7 → 10^x = 11 → x log 10 = log 11 → x = log 11 ÷ log 10 If you use common logs (to base 10) then: lg 10 = 1 → x = lg 11 ≈ 1.04

How do you solve log x plus log 8 equals 1?

log(x)+log(8)=1 log(8x)=1 8x=e x=e/8 You're welcome. e is the irrational number 2.7....... Often log refers to base 10 and ln refers to base e, so the answer could be x=10/8