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Q: What would be the ratio of a rectangle if it was 12 inches long and 8 inches wide?
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The rectangle was 24 inches long and 18 inches wide what was the ratio of its length to its width?

it's four thirds as long as it is wide.

What is the length of rectangle when width is 9 inches and perimeter is 48 inches?

It would be 15 inches long.

If seven 9 inch squares are placed end to end to form a rectangle. What is the distance around the rectangle they form?

Seven 9 inch squares placed end to end would form a rectangle that was still 9 inches wide but 7 x 9 = 63 inches long. The distance around such a rectangle would measure its perimeter. Two sides are 9 inches long and two sides are 63 inches long. The perimeter would be 63 + 63 + 9 + 9 = 144 inches.

In a golden rectangle if the top and bottom lines of the rectangle are each 3 and one half inches how long would the side lines of the rectangle be?

To make it a golden rectangle the sides should be in 1:0.618 ratio. Lets say your width is made of a + b. a and b are in golden ratio. THis gives a + b = 3.5 <---- equ 1 b = .618 a (because they are in golden ratio) substitute to equ 1 1.618a = 3.5 a = 3.5/1.618 = 2.163 b = 1.336 now you can construct your sides with a = 2.163 to have a golden rectangle

What is the area of a rectangle if it has 10 inches long and 15 inches wide?

The area of rectangle is : 150.0

A rectangle is 8 inches long a 3 inches wide How many square inches will it take to cover the rectangle?


A rectangle is 90 inches long and 66 inches wide what is the perimeter of the rectangle in feet?

26 feet.

The perimeter of a a rectangle is 40 inches. the rectangle is 12 inches long. How wide is the rectangle?

If a rectangle is 40 inches. the rectangle is 12 inches long then: 2 * 12 + 2 * width = 40 2 * width = 40 - 2*12 = 40 - 24 = 16 width = 16 / 2 = 8 So the width of the rectangle is 8.

Find the area of the rectangle with a length of 6.3 inches in height of 12.2 inches?

A rectangle 6.3 inches long and 12.2 inches high has an area of 76.86 inches.

What is the area of a rectangle 9 inches long and 6 inches wide?

The area of rectangle is : 54.0

What is the perimeter of a rectangle that is 40 inches long and 22 inches wide?

124 inches

What is the area of a rectangle that is 8 inches wide and 12 inches long?

The area of rectangle is : 96.0