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anything multiplied by '0' = 0

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Q: Which choice is equivalent to the product when x 0?
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State the multiplication property of zero?

A rule stating that the product of zero and any number is zero.example: 3 x 0 = 0, y x 0 = 0

What is the exact trigonometric function value of cot 0?

There is no value cot 0, because cot 0 is equivalent to 1 / tan 0, which is equivalent to 1 / 0, which is undefined. That said, the limit of cot x as x approaches 0 is infinity.

What is the zero product property and how do you use it?

Anything multiplied by zero is zero. And its converse, that the product of non-zero numbers must be non-zero.This is used to find the roots of equations.If a function, f(x), is equal to the product of functions g(x) and h(x),that is, f(x) = g(x)*h(x)thenf(x) = 0 implies that g(x) = 0 or h(x) = 0At high school level, this is used to find the solutions of quadratic equations:If (x - a)*(x - b) = 0 then x - a = 0 or x - b = 0that is, x = a or x = b

What is the product of any number and 0?

The product is obtained by multiplying two numbers. The product obtained by multiplying a number by 1 is equal to the number, i.e. 1 x 10 = 10(product). Therefore the product of any number and 0 is always 0.

Find two number whose sum is 27 and product is 182?

Let the first number be x and the second number is 27 − x. [As the sum of both the numbers is 27] Therefore, their product = x (27 − x) It is given that the product of these numbers is 182. x (27 – x) = 182 x2 + 27x - 182 = 0 Changing the signs on both sides we get,x2 - 27x + 182 = 0 Factorizing we get , 13 and 14 are the numbers whose sum is 27 and product is 182 x2 – 13x – 14x + 182 = 0 = x(x – 13) – 14 (x – 13)= 0 = (x – 13) (x – 14) = 0 Either x – 13 = 0 or x − 14 = 0 i.e., x = 13 or x = 14 If first number = 13, then Other number = 27 − 13 = 14 If first number = 14, then Other number = 27 − 14 = 13 Therefore, the numbers are 13 and 14.