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No. Logarithms are not defined for 0 or negative numbers.

However, if we use complex numbers, ln -1 equals 3.1416i or pii and

log -1 equals ~ 1.36i

Ans. 2

Although logarithms are not defined for negative numbers, if you want to use logs just for the multiplication or division of non-zero real numbers it is easy to do.

  • make a note of how many of the operands are negative
  • if there are an odd number of negatives, write down "minus"
  • use the logs as if all numbers are positive
  • if you wrote down minus, put a minus sign before the result.
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Yes. The logarithm of 1 is zero; the logarithm of any number less than one is negative. For example, in base 10, log(0.1) = -1, log(0.01) = -2, log(0.001) = -3, etc.

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Within the real numbers, the logarithm of negative numbers is not defined.

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