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If a and b are rational, with a < b, then a + (b-a) [sqrt(2)/ 2] is an irrational number between a and b.

This number is between a and b because sqrt(2)/2 is less than one and positive, so that a < a + (b-a) [sqrt(2)/3] < a + (b-a) [1] = b.

To prove that a + (b-a) [sqrt(2)/2] is not rational, suppose that

a + (b-a) [sqrt(2)/2] = p/q where p and q are integers.

Then, sqrt(2) = ( p/q -a ) 2/(b-a) which is rational since the rationals are a field, closed under arithmetical operation, but sqrt(2) not rational (Look up the elementary proof if you do not know it.)

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Q: How do you find irrational numbers between two rational numbers?
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How do you insert rational numbers between two rational numbers?

Find the arithmetic average of the two rational numbers. It will be a rational number and will be between the two numbers.

How do you Find two rational and irrational nos. between 2.1 and 2.11?

For two rational numbers select any terminating or repeating decimal number which starts with 2.10 and for irrational numbers you require a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal which also starts with 2.10.

Can the rational zero test be used to find irrational roots as well as rational roots?

Rational zero test cannot be used to find irrational roots as well as rational roots.

Find rational numbers between 0 and -1?

Oh, dude, finding rational numbers between 0 and -1 is like trying to find a unicorn at a zoo. It's just not gonna happen. Rational numbers are all about fractions, and you can't have a fraction where the numerator is smaller than the denominator. So, in this case, there are no rational numbers between 0 and -1. It's a mathematical dead end, my friend.

How is an irrational number different from rational numbers?

Irrationals differ from Rationals by definition. If a real number is not a Rational Number then it is Irrational. One way to find out if a number is either Rational or Irrational is to look at its decimal value. If the digits past the decimal point terminate then it is a Rational number. If the digits past the decimal point repeat the same digit forever, of if it repeats a sequence of digits over and over, then it is a Rational Number. If the digits past the decimal point do not repeat in any pattern, and do not stop, then it is an Irrational number. Another way to find out if a number is Rational or Irrational is if it can be exactly described by a fraction (ratio). If it is the same as some fraction, then it is a Rational Number. Irrationals cannot be exactly described as a fraction.

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How to find rational numbers using arithmetic mean?

A rational number is one that is the ratio of two integers, like 3/4 or 355/113. An irrational number can't be expressed as the ratio of any two integers, and examples are the square root of 2, and pi. Between any two rational numbers there is an irrational number, and between any two irrational numbers there is a rational number.

How do you find fractions between rational numbers?

All fractions are rational numbers because irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions

Can you always find a rational number where the rational number is between two irrational numbers?

See lemma 1.2 from the cut-the-knot link. Yes, you can.

How do you find rational numbers between two irrational numbers?

An irrational number is expressed as a non-repeating decimal that goes on forever. Write out the enough of the decimal expansion of each number to find the first digit where the two numbers disagree. Truncate the larger number at that digit, and the result is a rational number (terminating decimal) that is between the two.

What are the Similarities between rational and irrational number?

The one thing they have in common is that they are both so-called "real numbers". You can think of them as points on the "real number line".Both are infinitely dense, in the sense that between any two rational numbers, you can find another rational number. The same applies to the irrational numbers. Thus, there are infinitely many of each. However, the infinity of irrational numbers is a larger infinity than that of the rational numbers.

How do you insert rational numbers between two rational numbers?

Find the arithmetic average of the two rational numbers. It will be a rational number and will be between the two numbers.

What are irrational numbers closed under?

Irrational numbers are not closed under any of the fundamental operations. You can always find cases where you add two irrational numbers (for example), and get a rational result. On the other hand, the set of real numbers (which includes both rational and irrational numbers) is closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication - and if you exclude the zero, under division.

Method to find an irrational number between two irrational numbers?

It is proven that between two irrational numbers there's an irrational number. There's no method, you just know you can find the number.

Why does the sum of rational number and irrational numbers are always irrational?

Let your sum be a + b = c, where "a" is irrational, "b" is rational, and "c" may be either (that's what we want to find out). In this case, c - b = a. If we assume that c is rational, you would have: a rational number minus a rational number is an irrational number, which can't be true (both addition and subtraction are closed in the set of rational numbers). Therefore, we have a contradiction with the assumption that "c" (the sum in the original equation) is rational.

How do you find in between number of irrational number-in between no. of suare root of 2 and no. 3?

There are infinitely many of them. In fact there are more of them in that interval than there are rational numbers in total.

How can rational number be used to help locate irrational?

The idea is to look for a rational number that is close to the desired irrational number. You can find rational numbers that are as close as you want - for example, by calculating more decimal digits.

How do you Find two rational and irrational nos. between 2.1 and 2.11?

For two rational numbers select any terminating or repeating decimal number which starts with 2.10 and for irrational numbers you require a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal which also starts with 2.10.