Usually you don't write integers as a fraction. If you need a fraction (mainly, to exchange numerator and denominator, for converting a division to a multiplication), you can put "1" in the denominator. In other words, just write it (in this case) as -16/1.
The answer will depend on what the fraction is.
A fraction is essentially a division problem:256/1000= 256 ÷ 1,000 = 0.256
blank = representation.
Write 107.17 as 107 17/100 as a fraction.
proper fraction
Treat is the same way as you would a proper fraction.
The answer to a multiplication problem is called a "product."If you would wish for me to answer your quuestion, would you explain to me what you mean?The ProductThis is a very vague question. There is no true ANSWER to multiplication. There are answers to specific multiplication problems but not to multiplication itself. If you can revise this question, you will probably get a better answer.The answer to a multiplication problem is called a product.the answer in multiplication problem is the quotient
Step 1: rewrite the division problem as a multiplication Step 2: write the first fraction as is Step 3: turn the divisor (the second fraction) up-side-down (this is now a reciprocal) Step 4:follow the same steps as in multiplication steps
The * is another way to write the times sign (x) for a multiplication problem.
"What is 3*(-5)" would be such a problem.
The product is the answer in a multiplication problem. 3 x 6 = 18 The product of 3 and 6 is 18.
A product is an answer to a multiplication problem.
when you are writing a division problem as a fraction u take the remainder of your problem and make it the numerator and make the number you are dividing by the denominator