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Q: The discriminant in the quadratic formula is the expression?
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What is the expression b2 4ac under the radical sign in the quadratic formula?

The discriminant.

What part of the a quadratic formula tells you when the quadratic equation can be solved by factoring?

The discriminant

Can all quadratic expressions be factorised?

Only when the discriminant of the quadratic expression is equal to or greater than zero

The is the name of the number under the radical symbol in the quadratic formula?


What is the name of the number under the radical symbol in the quadratic formula?

The discriminant

How do you know whether it is possible to factorise a quadratic expression?

Look in an advanced maths book.Improved answer:-If the discriminant of the quadratic expression is less than zero then it's not possible to factor it.

What is the discriminate of x2 plus 3x plus 4?

The discriminant of the given quadratic expression is -7

What statements must be true of an equation before you can use the quadratic formula to find the solutions?

That the discriminant of the quadratic equation must be greater or equal to zero for it to have solutions. If the discriminant is less than zero then the quadratic equation will have no solutions.

What happens in the quadratic formula that yields no real solutions?

If the discriminant of b2-4ac in the quadratic equation formula is less than zero then the equation will have no real roots.

Can you write a parody to Up We Go by Lights about the quadratic formula the discriminant and the nature of the roots?


What is the expression b2-4ac under the radical sign in the quadratic formula?


What is the discriminant in the polynomial x2 plus 4x plus 5?

It is: 16-20 = -4 which means that the given quadratic expression has no real roots.