

What are the factors of q 3-q 2 2q-2?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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The question is incomplete in the sense that there is no +/- sign between q2 and 2q.

Considering plus '+' sign.

q3 - q2 + 2q - 2

q2(q - 1) + 2(q - 1)

(q2 + 2)(q - 1)

Considering minus '-' sign.

q3 - q2 - 2q - 2

The expression can't be factored.

However if we consider the question complete then it is written as:

q3 - q2(2q) - 2

q3 - 2q3 - 2

-q3 - 2

-(q + 21/3)(q2 - 21/3 + 22/3)

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Is the square root of 18 rational and why?

No. √18 cannot be expressed as a fraction of the form p/q. 18 = 2 x 9 = 2 x 32 ⇒ √18 = √(2 x 32) = (√2) x 3. So if √2 is rational then √18 is rational. Assume √2 is rational. Then p and q can be found such that √2 = p/q is in its simplest form, that is p and q have no common factor. Consider: (√2)2 = (p/q)2 ⇒ 2 = p2/q2 ⇒ p2 = 2q2 Thus p2 is even, and so p must be even. Let p = 2r. Then: p2 = (2r)2 = 2q2 ⇒ 4r2 = 2q2 ⇒ 2r2 = q2 Thus q2 is even, and so q must be even. Let q = 2s. Thus p = 2r, q = 2s and so p and q have a common factor of 2. But p and q are such that they have no common factor. Contradiction. Thus the assumption that √2 is rational is false, that is √2 is not rational, so √18 is not rational.

Numbers that have 12 factors?

There are infinitely many such numbers.If p is a prime then p^11 has 12 factors.If p and q are any two primes, then p*q^5 has 12 factors.If p and q are any two primes, then p^2*q^3 has 12 factors.If p, q and r are any three primes, then p*q*r^2 has 12 factors.

If p is 50 of q then what percent of p is q?

If p = 50 of q then q is 2% of p.

How do you write a -2 in rational form?

If you mean, (by rational form), in the form "p/q", let p= -2 and q = 1

What do you do if the base number is not a fraction but the exponent is a fraction?

Consider have x^(p/q) where the base, x, is a whole number. p and q are also whole numbers (q is not 0) so that the exponent, p/q, is a fraction. Then x^(p/q) = (x^p)^(1/q), that is, the qth root of x^p or equivalently, x^(p/q) = [x^(1/q)]^p, that is, the pth power of the qth root of x. For example, 64^(2/3) = 3rd root of 64^2 = 3rd [cube] root of 4096 = 16 or (cube root of 64)^2 = 4^2 = 16. If p/q is negative, the answer is the reciprocal of the answer obtained with positive p/q.

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