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Q: What is the probability of a spinner landing on an even number 1 through 8?
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What is the probability of spinning the spinner and landing on an odd number?

The probability of spinning the spinner and landing on an odd number depends on the number of odd numbers on the spinner and the total number of numbers on the spinner. If there are 3 odd numbers on the spinner and a total of 6 numbers, then the probability of landing on an odd number is 3/6, which simplifies to 1/2 or 50%.

What is the probability of landing on number 4 if you spun a spinner numbered 1 through 4?

The probability is one in four, or 25%.

What is the probability of the spinner not landing on 1 or 4?

The answer depends on the number of sides on the spinner and what numbers are on it.

What is the probability of landing on an even number after spinning a spinner with 7 equal sectors numbered 1 through 7?

The probability is 3/7.

What is the probability of landing on an odd number after spinning a spinner with 9 equal sectors numbered 1 through 9?

The probability is 5/9.

What is a probability of landing on an odd number after spinning a spinner with 7 equal sectors number 1 through 7?


What is the probability of landing on number 4 if you spun a spinner numbered 1 through 8?

1/8 or .125 or 12.5%

What is the probability of a spinner landing on an even number 1-6?


What is the probability of landing on an odd number after spinning a spinner with 7 equal sectors numbered 1 through 7?


What is the probability of landing on the number 1 if you spun a spinner numbered 0-9?


What is the probability of a spinner landing on an even number 1-8?

It is 4/8 = 1/2

What is the probability of landing on an even number if you spun a spinner numbered 0-9?