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Which region you shade depends on whether you are required to shade the possible values or the values that need t be rejected. In 2 or more dimensions, you would normally shade the regions to be rejected - values that are not solutions. With a set of inequalities, this will result in an unshaded region (if any) any point of which will satisfy all the equations.

If the inequality is written in the form x < N where N is some given value, then the possible solutions are to the left of N and the rejected values are to the right. Whether the value N, itself, is shaded or not depends on whether the inequality is strict or not.

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Q: When would you shade to the right or left of an inequality on the number line?
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When doing algebra how do you know what region to shade?

Given an inequality, you need to decide whether you are required to shade the region in it is TRUE or FALSE. If you are given several inequalities, you would usually be required to shade the regions where they are false because shading is additive [shading + shading = shading] and you will be left with the unshaded region where all the inequalities are true.Next, select any point which is not of the line or curve for the inequality. Plug its coordinates into the inequality: it the result FALSE? If so, shade the region (relative to the line or curve) in which the point is found. If substituting the coordinates gives an inequality which is TRUE then shade the regions which is the other side of the line or curve.

When an inequality is graphed would you shade the line?

The line must be solid if the inequality is strict (less than or greater than). It must be a dashed line if otherwise (less than or equal to, greater than or equal to).

Which side of the line do you shade with inequality signs?

Whichever side contains all the numbers that satisfy the inequality. Generally, "greater than" points to the right side of the line or above it, and "less than" will lead to the left side or below it. But you have to be careful, and it would really help a lot if you understood the whole concept better than you presently do.

Where to shade when graphing inequalities?

When graphing inequalities, you shade all areas that x and/or y can be. If the number is x, you shade left and right. If x is anywhere from -11 to &infin;, then shade the area to the right of -11. If it is from -&infin; to 5, shade the areas to the left of 5. If the number is y, then you go up and down, so if y is anywhere from 0 to &infin;, shade all the areas above 0, and if it is from -&infin; to 100, shade all the areas below 100. Combining x and y, usually restricts the areas you should shade. For example, if x is from -&infin; to 7, and y is 3 to &infin;, you would ONLY shade the areas that are to the left of 7 AND above 3.

How do you answer a inequalities on a number line?

x&gt;2, you use an open circle above the #2 and shade to the right. If the equation was greater than or equal to 2, you would use a closed circle and shade to the right! Less than 2 would use the open circle to not include 2 and you would shade all numbers to the left of 2. Less than or equal to 2, solid circle which includes #2 and shade all #'s to the left of 2!

State how to choose which half plane to shade when graphing an inequality?

It is standard procedure to shade the area where the Inequality does NOT apply, leaving the unshaded area to show where the Inequality is valid. Choosing a simple illustration, the Inequality y &gt; 6 would be graphically represented by a dotted line passing though y = 6 and parallel to the x-axis. The area below this line would be shaded as this represents the zone where y &lt; 6. Note : A broken/dotted line is used to illustrate the boundary where a true Inequality applies (e.g. &lt; or &gt;). A solid line is used where the Inequality also includes an equals sign (e.g. &le; less than or equal to, or &ge; greater than or equal to ).

How do you solve inequality and graph them?

Get the variables on one side of the inequality sign, and the numbers on the other side. You do this by using inverse operations. Divide the number by the variable. If you divide using a negative number you flip the inequality sign. An example of what you are looking at should look like x &gt; 3. You would graph this example by drawing a number line, then putting an open cirlce at three, and shading the number line on the right side of the three. This shows that x is greater than three.

What inequality would you write for 5 times a number is greater than 25?

5n &gt; 25

How do you solve an inequality when using the distributive property?

You solve an inequality in the same way as you would solve an equality (equation). The only difference is that if you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, you must reverse the inequality sign. Thus, if you have -3x &lt; 9 to find x, you need to divide by -3. That is a negative number so -3x/(-3) &gt; 9/(-3) reverse inequality x &gt; -3

How would you prove that an inequality does have the same solution that an equation would have?

If you're given the inequality and the equation, then the way to prove that they have the same solution is to solve each one and show that the solutions are the same number. Don't strain yourself, though. An inequality and an equation never have the same solution.

How do you graph the inequality w is greater than or equal to 5?

The answer depends on what space you are working in. In 1-dimensional space, it would be like the number line and the relevant part of the graph would be all point at or to the right of the value 5.

How would you solve this inequality if it is -2x4?

I would not waste my time, because that's not an inequality.