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2x + 2 = 42

x = 20

20 and 22

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

2n + 2n+2 = 42 where n is an integer and 2n is the first of the two numbers.

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Q: Which equation should be used to solve this problem The sum of two consecutive even integers is 42 Find the numbers?
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What are two consecutive integers whose sum is 45?

Two consecutive integers means one is 1 more than the other integer. You can solve the problem by letting x represesnt one of the integers and x + 1 the next integer. Set up the equation and solve: x + (x + 1) = 45 (next simplify) 2x + 1 = 45 (next subtract 1 from each side of the equation) 2x = 44 (next divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for the first integer) x = 22 (this the first integer, the next is x + 1 which is 23) The two integers are 22 and 23 (22 + 23 + 45).

What is the Product of two consecutive prime numbers?

There is only one pair of consecutive prime numbers, and the prime numbers are two and three, because any pair of consecutive numbers has one odd and one even number, and two is the only even prime number, because all other even numbers can be divided by two, and the only pairs of consecutive numbers are one and two and three, but one is not prime because it only has one factor, thus making the only consecutive pair of primes two and three. But the problem asks for the product of the two numbers, not the numbers themselves, so just multiply two and three together to get a final result of six.

What is the longest string of consecutive composite numbers?

when i did this problem i was doing a eratosthenes sieve method and the numbers was from 1-100 so i got the longest string of consecutive composite numbers on the grid are 74-82 this should be right. BTW I'm 13 doing my moms college work Sorry, but 79 is a prime number. I got 90~96

What are two consecutive numbers whose squares differ by 17?

Let's call n the first one the problem is (n+1)2-n2=17 = 2n+1 then n = 8

How can you solve the problem finding two consecutive positive integers whose product is 210?

Let x = first positive integer the x + 1 is the next positive integer the product is x (x+1) = 210 x^2 + x = 210 x^2 + x - 210 = 0 Use quadratic equation to solve, or factor (X+15) (X-14 ) = 0 x = +14 or X = -15 The positve one is x = 14 X + 1 = 15 ANS: 14 and 15

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What are three consecutive integers sum is 125?

It isn't possible to solve that. The sum of three consecutive integers is always a multiple of 3 (try it out with a few small numbers); 125 is not a multiple of 3, ergo, the problem has no solution.

Three consecutive integers that have the sum of 96?

If three consecutive integers have the sum of 96, then the problem can be expressed with the equation... N + (N+1) + (N+2) = 96 ...Simplify that and solve and you get... 3N + 3 = 96 3N = 93 N = 31 ... so the three integers are 31, 32, and 33.

Find four consecutive odd integers if the product of the smaller two is 112 less than the larger two?

The first 4 consecutive integers can be written as the following:XX+1X+2X+3From the problem the we get the following equation:2*(X)*(X+3) - {(X)*(X+3)} = 42X2+6X - X2 - 3X = 4X2 + 3X - 4 = 0Factoring this quadratic equation is (X+4)(X-1) = 0So the 1st positive integer is X-1 = 0 or X=1and the other integers is 2,3,4----Comment by Kirbysuper----But... those integers aren't positive numbers... in the question, it says to find 4 consecutive positiveintegers.

The sum of three consecutive even integers is 114?

Since the average of the three integers will be 114/3 = 38, and the three numbers are consecutive, the numbers will be 36, 38 and 40. Another way to do this problem using algebra is to let the first integer be n, then the next two are n+2 and n+4. Their sum is 3n+6 and it equals 114 So 3n+6=114 and 3n=108 so n=36 then next two numbers must be 38 and 40 since they are consecutive even integers.

What Two consecutive negative integers have a product of 440?

You can do this by trial-and-error.Or, call one integer "n", the next one "n+1", and solve the equation: n(n+1) = 440 Note: Whichever of these two methods you use, it will be clear that this problem has no integer solution.

What are three consecutive even integers whose sum is negative one hundred and eighty-six?

-- method -- We need X numbers which are consecutive, so the middle number will be 1/ X of the total. Divide the sum of the numbers by the number of numbers ... in this case divide 186 by 3. The numbers are to be consecutive and even, so subtract 2 from the number go get one of the numbers and add 2 to the number to get the other number. You now have three numbers which are even and consecutive. Now, place a minus sign in front of them, to turn them into negative numbers For instance 12, 14 and 16 are three consecutive numbers whose sum is 42. -12, -14 and - 16 are three consecutive even integers whose sum is -42 Now you know all you need to solve the problem.

What ar sum?

Many numbers can be expressed as the sum of two or more consecutive integers. For example, the number 15 can be written as the sum of consecutive integers in three different ways: 15=7+8 15=4+5+6 15=1+2+3+4+5 Look at numbers other than 15 and find out all you can about writing them as sums of consecutive whole numbers.

What is a problem that the sum of three consecutive odd integers is 45?


Find 2 consecutive even integers whose sum is 66?

Two identical integers whose sum is 66 are 33 and 33. Add 1 and subtract 1. Now you have 32 and 34. Voilà: two consecutive even integers whose sum is 66.**************************************************************My answer here is the same as the answer above, I'm just going to explain in detail how to actually solve a problem like this. Two consecutive even integers would be like 2 and 4 or 632 and 634. See how the numbers come right after each other, that would be a consecutive integer. Since you wanted consecutive even integers, they are 2 even numbers that come after each other. Now, to solve your problem, the 'formula' for finding 2 consecutive even (and odd, plain consecutive integers would be different) integers for the sum of 66 would be:x + x+2 = 66. First, you add like terms. What I mean, is that you add all your x values and all your normal numbers, which gets us:2x + 2 = 66 Now, you have a normal 2-step equation. To solve a 2-step equation, first you tik-tok. This means if you have any subtraction, you change it so that you add negatives instead(none here). For example 6x-3 changes into 6x + -3. Then you add like terms, which I already explained somewhere above (none here). Then, you add the opposite of your lonesome number(number without a variable) to both sides of the equation. So for example here, you add -2 to both sides of the equation so that you can get rid of that lonesome number, like here:2x + (2 + -2)=66 + -2 -----> 2x = 64 ( no need to put + 0) Now all you have left to do is divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of the x term, here being 2. LOOK TO SEE IF IT's POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE!!!!:2x = 64-------- X=32 So if your original equation was x + x+2 = 66, you just2 2plug in the numbers in the equation. So:x=32, 32+ 32+2 = 66 -----> 32+34=66 ------> Your 2 consecutive numbers are 32 and 34. Hope I helped. I know it's a looong answer, but I like things to be explained :-)

How do you setup a consecutive integer problem?

the first number is x, the second x+1, third, x+2 and so if the sum of three consecutive integers is 24, the setup would be this:x+x+1+x+2=24if it's consecutive even or odd integers the setup would be x, x+2, x+4, if the sum of three consecutive odd integers is 21, the setup would be:x+x+2+x+4=21for three or more even consecutive numbers, same setup

The sum of 5 consecutive integers is 95 what are the integers?

Let's solve this using an equation and some algebra. The original equation will look like this: 95 = x + x+1 + x+2 + x+3 + x+4 I've grouped the plus x's and numbers so that its easier to see. Since the numbers are consecutive, we can determine that the numbers are x through adding 1 through 4 to x for the remaining 4 integers. Now we can simplify the problem. I'll put each step on its own line starting with a repeat of the original equation: 95 = x + x+1 + x+2 + x+3 + x+4 95 = 5x + 10 95 - 10 = 5x + 10 - 10 85 = 5x 85/5 = 5x/5 17 = x So the lowest integer is 17. Now we just count 4 numbers higher to get the remaining 4 of 5 integers. Your answer is 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.

FIND Three consecutive integers such that the sum of the second and the third is 17 Which equation would be used to solve this word problem?

If the first of these consecutive integers is x, the second integer would be x + 1, and the third integer would be x + 2.Since the sum of the second and the third integer is 17, we can writex + 1 + x + 2 = 172x + 3 = 172x + 3 - 3 = 17 - 32x = 142x/2 = 14/2x = 7Thus, the consecutive integers are 7, 8, and 9.