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void main()


int no;


printf("Enter a Number:");



printf("Your Number is Positive");


printf("Your number is Negative");



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Q: Write a c program to find number is positive or negative?
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What are the factor pairs of NEGATIVE numbers?

The numbers are the same as positive numbers, just the signs change. Write out the factor pairs as if the number were positive, but make one of the numbers positive and one negative. Now write the same pairs over again and reverse the signs. Negative numbers have twice as many factor pairs as positive numbers do.

How do you write a program to print Inverse number in PHP?

There are two types of inverse numbers in this context: additive and multiplicative. An additive inverse number is a number that's had its sign flipped: positive becomes negative, and negative becomes positive. The PHP code for this would be: $result=-$number; A multiplicative inverse number is a number that's been divided into 1. So 5 becomes 1/5, and 1/5 becomes 1/1/5, or 5. The PHP code for this would be: $result=1/$number;

Input a number and find whether it is positive or negative?

Placing a question mark at the end of a statement does not make it a sensible question. Try to use a whole sentence to describe what it is that you want answered.Yes, it is possible to input a number and find whether it is positive or negative. Yes, it is possible to write an algorithm to do that. But what is it that you want?

2 Write a program to convert a 2-digit BCD number into hexadecimal?


The square root of a negative value is called an imaginary or number?

Yes. The letter i denotes the value of the "positive square root" of -1. So i&sup2; = -1. But also (-i)&sup2; = -1 as well. Remember that for every number there is a "positive" and "negative" square root. So if you want the square root of -4, you can do this: -4 = (-1)(4). So sqrt(-4) = sqrt[(-1)(4)] = sqrt(-1)*sqrt(4) = i*2 or -i*2. We usually write these as 2i and -2i.

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Write a program By using if else statement to read a number and check whether it is positive or negative?

write a c++program by using if statement to read a number and check whether it is positive or negative

Why a negative number times a negative number equal a positive number?

if it is not like that then the answer wont be write. Well, It is to be known that two negatives make a positive.

Write a program to check a number is negative or positive?

#include&lt;stdio.h&gt; int main() { int num; do { scanf ("Enter a number (0 to exit): %d", num); if (num&gt;0) printf ("The number is positive.\n"); else if (num&lt;0) printf ("The number is negative.\n"); else printf ("The number is zero, neither positive nor negative\n"); } while (num); return 0; }

What does negative plus positive equal to?

In math when you are given a negative and a positive number, you should write down the sign of the greatest number and subtract the smaller number from the greatest number. In the problem 3 - 9, three is the positive number, and nine is the negative number. This means you should write down the negative number's sign and subtract 3 from 9, and your answer should be -6.

Why does the expression -a does not always represent a negative number?

* If "a" is positive, "-a" is negative.* If "a" is negative, "-a" is positive. * If "a" is zero, "-a" is zero. If you want to force a negative number, you can write -|a|, i.e., the negative of the absolute value.

How do you write a equation when the sum of a positive number and several negative numbers will be positive?

if p represents your positive number, and n represents all of your negative numbers, then: |&sum;n| &lt; p

How would you write out a conditions when the sum of a positive number and several negative numbers will be positive?

if p represents your positive number, and n represents all of your negative numbers, then: |&sum;n| &lt; p

What can you say about positive integers and negative integers?

Positive numbers are any numbers greater than zero.For example: 1, 2.9, 3.14159, 40000, and 0.0005.Negative numbers are any number less than zero.For Example: -1, -2.9, -3.14159, -40000, and -0.0005.For each positive number, there is a negative number that is its opposite. We write the opposite of a positive number with a negative or minus sign in front of the number, and call these numbers negative numbers.We do not consider zero to be a positive or negative number.The sum of any number and its (negative) opposite is 0.The sign of a number refers to whether the number is positive or negative.For example: The sign of -3.2 is negative, and the sign of 442 is positive.We may also write positive and negative numbers as fractions or mixed numbers.

Write a program for checking positive or negative number?

In Java:if (myNumber > 0) System.out.println("The number is positive);else if (myNumber < 0) System.out.println("The number is negative);else System.out.println("The number is equal to zero);In Java:if (myNumber > 0) System.out.println("The number is positive);else if (myNumber < 0) System.out.println("The number is negative);else System.out.println("The number is equal to zero);In Java:if (myNumber > 0) System.out.println("The number is positive);else if (myNumber < 0) System.out.println("The number is negative);else System.out.println("The number is equal to zero);In Java:if (myNumber > 0) System.out.println("The number is positive);else if (myNumber < 0) System.out.println("The number is negative);else System.out.println("The number is equal to zero);

Flowchart to check whether an integer is positive or negative?

I'll write it as pseudocode; you can easily convert it to a flowchart. If your number is more than 0 (Your number is positive) else if your number is less than 0 (your number is negative) else (your number is equal to zero)

What is a number and its opposite called?

For each positive number, there is a negative number that is its opposite. We write the opposite of a positive number with a negative or minus sign in front.The opposite of a number is also called its additive inverse.For example, 5 is the additive inverse of -5 and -5 is the additive inverse of 5.

Write what connotation is that positive or negative?
