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Not according to the usual definitions of "differentiable" and "continuous".

Suppose that the function f is differentiable at the point x = a.

Then f(a) is defined and

limit (h -> 0) [f(a+h) - f(a)]/h exists (has a finite value).

If this limit exists, then it follows that

limit (h -> 0) [f(a+h) - f(a)] exists and equals 0.

Hence limit (h -> 0) f(a+h) exists and equals f(a).

Therefore f is continuous at x = a.

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Q: Can a graph be differentiable at a specific point but not continuous at the same point?
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How is the function differentiable in graph?

If the graph of the function is a continuous line then the function is differentiable. Also if the graph suddenly make a deviation at any point then the function is not differentiable at that point . The slope of a tangent at any point of the graph gives the derivative of the function at that point.

Where is f(x) discontinuous but not differentiable Explain?

Wherever a function is differentiable, it must also be continuous. The opposite is not true, however. For example, the absolute value function, f(x) =|x|, is not differentiable at x=0 even though it is continuous everywhere.

When was function not having a derivative at a point?

Definition: A function f is differentiable at a if f'(a) exists. it is differentiable on an open interval (a, b) [or (a, &infin;) or (-&infin;, a) or (-&infin;, &infin;)]if it is differentiable at every number in the interval.Example: Where is the function f(x) = |x| differentiable?Answer:1. f is differentiable for any x > 0 and x < 0.2. f is not differentiable at x = 0.That's mean that the curve y = |x| has not a tangent at (0, 0).Thus, both continiuty and differentiability are desirable properties for a function to have. These properties are related.Theorem: If f is differentiable at a, then f is continuous at a.The converse theorem is false, that is, there are functions that are continuous but not differentiable. (As we saw at the example above. f(x) = |x| is contionuous at 0, but is not differentiable at 0).The three ways for f not to be differentiable at aare:a) if the graph of a function f has a "corner" or a "kink" in it,b) a discontinuity,c) a vertical tangent

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All differentiable functions need be continuous at least.

How do you get the tangent line without the graph?

The answer will depend on the context. If the curve in question is a differentiable function then the gradient of the tangent is given by the derivative of the function. The gradient of the tangent at a given point can be evaluated by substituting the coordinate of the point and the equation of the tangent, though that point, is then given by the point-slope equation.

What is differentiability in math?

A function is differentiable at a point if the derivative exists there.

When you say a function is not differentiable?

Well, firstly, the derivative of a function simply refers to slope. Usually we say that the function is not differentiable at a point.Say you have a function such as this:f(x)=|x|Another way to represent that would be as a piece-wise function:g(x) = { -x for x= 0The problem arises at the specific point x=0. If you look at the slope--the change in the function--from the left and right of x, you notice that it is different, negative 1 and positive 1. So, we can say that the function is not differentiable at x=0 because of that sudden change.There are however, a few functions that are nowhere differentiable. One example is the Weirstrass function. The even more ironic thing about this function is that it is continuous everywhere! Since this function is not differentiable anywhere, many might call it a non-differentiable function.There are absolutely other examples.

What is the opposite of a discrete graph?

The opposite of a discrete graph is a continuous graph. A continuous graph is where one of the variables (usually time) can continue on past what the graph says. An example would be if some one was traking the weather hour be hour. They could stop the graph at one point, but the information carries on. A discrete graph is where niether of the variables could be carried out past the graph. An example would be a shirt sale graph of how many shirts for a certain amount of money. Technically, you could have five dollars for half a shirt but realistically, you wouldn't cut a shirt in half

Definition of Differentiable function?

Let f be a function with domain D in R, the real numbers, and D is an open set in R. Then the derivative of f at the point c is defined as: f'(c) =lim as x-&gt; c of the difference quotient [f(x)-f(c)]/[x-c] If that limit exits, the function is called differentiable at c. If f is differentiable at every point in D then f is called differentiable in D.

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To graph a point is to plot a point on a chart, graph, grid, etc.

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It is simply called a point on the graph, or a solution to the equation represented by the graph.

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a point on a graph where if the graph is transformed the point stays the same.