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Use the quadratic formula. In x2 - 4x + 29 = 0, a is 1, b is -4, c = 29. The quadratic formula is: x = (-b plusminus squareroot(b2 - 4ac)) / 2a

Use the quadratic formula. In x2 - 4x + 29 = 0, a is 1, b is -4, c = 29. The quadratic formula is: x = (-b plusminus squareroot(b2 - 4ac)) / 2a

Use the quadratic formula. In x2 - 4x + 29 = 0, a is 1, b is -4, c = 29. The quadratic formula is: x = (-b plusminus squareroot(b2 - 4ac)) / 2a

Use the quadratic formula. In x2 - 4x + 29 = 0, a is 1, b is -4, c = 29. The quadratic formula is: x = (-b plusminus squareroot(b2 - 4ac)) / 2a

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14y ago

Use the quadratic formula. In x2 - 4x + 29 = 0, a is 1, b is -4, c = 29. The quadratic formula is: x = (-b plusminus squareroot(b2 - 4ac)) / 2a

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The quadratic formula can be used to find the solutions of a quadratic equation - not a linear or cubic, or non-polynomial equation. The quadratic formula will always provide the solutions to a quadratic equation - whether the solutions are rational, real or complex numbers.

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There is one solution. To find it, divide both sides of the equation by 2. This leaves you with x=5, where 5 is your solution.

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x² - 6x -8 = -56 <=> x² -6x + 48 = 0 We now calculate the discriminant (which equals b²-4ac for an equation of the form ax² + bx + c-: D = b²-4ac = (-6)² - 4*1*48 = 36 - 192 = -156 I don't know what kind of course in calculus you are taking, but if you only want the real answers to this equation, you can stop here because the discriminant is negative, meaning there are no real solutions. However, there are complex solutions to this equation The complex roots of D are sqrt(156)*i=12,5*i and -sqrt(156)*i=-12,5*i There are two solutions to a quadratic equation, namely: x1 = (-b + sqrt(D))/(2*a) and x2 = (-b - sqrt(D))/(2*a) so the two solutions we find for this equation are: x1 = (-b + sqrt(D))/(2*a) = (6+12,5i)/2 = 3+6,25i and x2 = (-b - sqrt(D))/(2*a) = (6-12,5i)/2 = 3-6,25i x1 and x2 are complex solutions to this quadratic equation.

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you can find it by counting how many numbers they are in the equation

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How do you find the number of solutions in a quadratic equation?

Factoring by the AC method, difference of squares, perfect square trinomial. If not factorable by those ways, you can use the quadratic formula. You can also find zeros by synthetic division. If there are not any real solutions, then the solutions are said to be complex, they do not cross the x axis.

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If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is equal or greater than zero it will have 2 solutions if it is less than zero then there are no solutions.

Can you solve x plus 2y equals 2?

No. There is not enough information in the equation x + 2y = 2, by itself, to solve it. There are an infinite number of solutions. A second equation, or information to allow a second equation to be derived, must be given to find a solution.

How you find the solution of a quadratic equation by graphing its quadratic equation?

When you graph the quadratic equation, you have three possibilities... 1. The graph touches x-axis once. Then that quadratic equation only has one solution and you find it by finding the x-intercept. 2. The graph touches x-axis twice. Then that quadratic equation has two solutions and you also find it by finding the x-intercept 3. The graph doesn't touch the x-axis at all. Then that quadratic equation has no solutions. If you really want to find the solutions, you'll have to go to imaginary solutions, where the solutions include negative square roots.

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With difficulty because the discriminant of the quadratic equation is less than zero meaning it has no solutions