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(3, -3)

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Q: What point located in quadrant IV has an x value that is 3 units from the origin and a y value that is 3 units from the origin?
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How do you plot points in the Cartesian coordinate system?

The Cartesian plane consists of a horizontal axis (usually called the x-axis), and a vertical axis (usually the y-axis) which meet at right angles at a point called the Origin. The positive direction of the x-axis is to the right while that of the y-axis is up along the paper. Every point in the Cartesian plane is assigned two coordinates: the x-coordinate (also called the abscissa) and the y-coordinate (the ordinate). These are often written in the form (x, y). To plot the point P = (x,y), you start from the origin. Move x units along the x-axis. From that point you move y units along the y-axis. The end point is where P is to be plotted. If the value of x or y is negative, you move in the negative direction of the axes.

What point lies on the graph of the line of y equals -2x shifted up 4 units?


What is the solution set of -9x 27?

-9x = 27 x = -3 The solution set contains only one value for x, -3, which is just a point on the number line 3 units to the left of zero.

Graph the equation y equals 2?

Y = 2 The graph is a horizontal line passing through the point Y=2 on the Y=axis. The line is parallel to the X-axis, and exactly 2 units above it everywhere.

What is the relationship between slope of a tangent line and velocity?

The slope of any line is rise/run, or change in y divided by change in x. On a distance-time curve, time is the variable on the x axis, and distance is the variable on the y axis. This means that when a tangent is drawn at any point on the curve, its slope becomes change in distance divided by change in time, for example, m/s, km/h, etc. These units align with the units for velocity, and therefore the slope of the tangent line on a distance-time curve is the velocity.

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What are the coordinates of the point that is 4 units left and 2 units down from the origin?


How do you graph -3 5 on a number line?

The origin, O is the point where the value on the number line is zero. Locate the a point 3 units to the left of the Origin, O and another point that is 5 units to the right of the origin. Join the two points with a straight line.

What point has coordinates (-14)?

The point which is one unit to the left and 4 units up from the origin.

What if your friend is graphing the point (25) . Her first step is to start at the origin and go up 2 units. Is her method correct?

If you mean the point of (2, 5) then the 1st step is to move 2 units to the right of the origin then move 5 units up to locate the given point.

How do you plot an integer?

If the integer is positive, then you plot it at a distance of that many units to the right of the origin (zero-point). If the integer is negative, the point is to the left of the origin.

How do you graph ( 2.5 3.5 )?

Normally it would be a point which is 2.5 units to the right of the origin and 3.5 units up.

What point can represent the decimal 2.2?

A point on the number line, at a distance of 2.2 units to the right from the origin.

What is the distance of the point -15 8 from the origin of 0?

17 units in length

Which point in the number line show the graps of 1.6?

The point whose distance from the origin is 1.6 units of length.

Which coordinates describe the point on the x-axis 3 units to the right of the origin?


How far from the origin is the point -5 -12?


What is the point 0 2?

On the 2-dimensional coordinate plane it is a point that is on the y-axis, two units of length away from the origin.