Yes, the hexadecimal number 16.
The number 11, (in hexadecimal) is the letter 'b'
1010 or 10102.
C is 12 decimal.
hex =7
0 - 9 plus A - F
13 = D in hex. If you're using two digits to represent the hex number - its 0D
0X at the beginning represent a number in the hexadecimal system of units. FFFF is the hexadecimal equivalent of i) 65535 in decimal system of units ii) 1111111111111111 in binary system of units
To store the hexadecimal number FF, we need to convert it to binary first. FF in hexadecimal is equivalent to 1111 1111 in binary, which requires 8 bits to represent. Each hexadecimal digit corresponds to 4 bits in binary, so two hexadecimal digits (FF) require 8 bits to store.
Hexadecimal is commonly used in comoputing to represent a memory byte.