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n/2 times (n + 1)

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Q: Print the sum of natural nofrom1 to n?
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1 Sum of first n natural numbers = n(n+1)2[Formula.]2 Arthmetic mean of first n natural numbers = Sum of the numbers n[Formula.]3 = n(n+1)2n = n+124 So, the Arthmetic mean of first n natural numbers = n+12

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Can every natural number be expressed as a sum of Fibonacci numbers where no number is used more than once?

Yes.Since 1 is a member of the Fibonacci sequence, it is always possible. Any natural number, N, can be represented as a sum of a string of N ones.Yes.Since 1 is a member of the Fibonacci sequence, it is always possible. Any natural number, N, can be represented as a sum of a string of N ones.Yes.Since 1 is a member of the Fibonacci sequence, it is always possible. Any natural number, N, can be represented as a sum of a string of N ones.Yes.Since 1 is a member of the Fibonacci sequence, it is always possible. Any natural number, N, can be represented as a sum of a string of N ones.