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public double getExp(double x)


return Math.pow(Math.E, x);


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Q: Program of e power x in java?
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How do you write a pseudocode program for finding out x to the power of y?


Write a java application that generates two random numbers using built in method math random ranging 5 to 8 the program should use another built in method to calculate the power of xy the x value is t?

write a java application that generate custemer account balance in a banking system?

What is an exception With an example program explain how it is handled?

An exception is literally that: an exception. Exceptions are thrown when something that shouldn't happen does. For example, if you're trying to turn "Hi" into an Integer, you'll get a NumberFormatException (in Java.) If there is nothing in place to handle an exception, the program will crash. Try-catch blocks are used for exception handling within methods, and exception throwing is used to give out exceptions, or let a different method handle it. Example program (Java): class ex{ public static void main(String[] args){ String Strx = "5a"; int x = 0; try{ x += Integer.parseInt(Strx); }catch(NumberFormatException e){ // If Strx is not an Integer x += Integer.parseInt("5"); } System.out.println("The value of x is " + x); // The value of x is 5 } } Alternatively, you could remove the try-catch blocks, and simply write "public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException" in the 2nd line of the program.

1 Write a Java program to find x to the power y Use overloading for different cases when x and y are combination of integer and floating point numbers?

In practice, it is better to use the Math class, which already has a pow() (i.e., power) function. If you want to program it yourself, just write a loop:double myPower(double x, int y){double result = 1;for (int i = 1; i

What does exclamation equals mean in java?

The exclamation equals in Java(x!=) is used to represent the logical NOT.

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integral of e to the power -x is -e to the power -x

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The first derivative of e to the x power is e to the power of x.

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The power law of indices says: (x^a)^b = x^(ab) = x^(ba) = (x^b)^a → e^(2x) = (e^x)² but e^x = 2 → e^(2x) = (e^x)² = 2² = 4

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d/dx (e-x) = -e-x

What is the second derivative of xsqaured e to the power of x?

f(x) = (x^2)(e^x)f'(x) = e^x((x^2)+2x) - i thinkf"(x) = ?--------f(x) = (x^2)(e^x)apply the power rulef'(x) = (x^2)(e^x) + (2x)(e^x)apply the power rule to the first part and apply the power rule to the second part, then add those togetherf''(x) = [(x^2)(e^x) + (2x)(e^x)] + [(2x)(e^x) + (2)(e^x)]simplifyf''(x) = (e^x)(x^2 + 4x +2)I got it right. It checked out on my calculator.

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Volt current x power?

No, its Volts x current = power. To be correct its W = I x E where watts = power, I = amps or current and E = electromotive force or voltage.

Why don't you have Java on a Mac?

Mac OS X has Java already installed. You do not need to download it and install it currently, and Java apps should have no problem running. It has to be a real java app, not a Windows exe file compiled that also uses java, that is still a Windows program. When Mac OS X 10.7 comes out, it will not have Java installed by default, and you have to install it manually just like you do on Windows.... just download the Mac version and install.

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if you mean e to the x power times log of x, it is e to the x divided by x

How do you write a pseudocode program for finding out x to the power of y?


What is the derivative of e to the power of -2 times x?

e^(-2x) * -2 The derivative of e^F(x) is e^F(x) times the derivative of F(x)