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It's a encoder for RF transmitter

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Q: What is BX R315A of RFTransmitter?
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Write an assembly language program for arranging nos in the ascending order?

title ascending order using bubble sort .model small .stack 64 .data a db 34h,78h,56h,47h si_ze dw $-a ;si_ze=no of elements .code bubsort: mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov bx,si_ze dec bx ;bx=no of passes needed to complete sorting(n-1) outlup: mov cx,bx ;cx=no of comparisions to be performed in a pass mov si,0 inlup: mov al,a[si] inc si cmp al,a[si] jb go_on xchg al,a[si] mov a[si-1],al go_on: loop inlup ;dec cx,until cx=0 dec bx jnz outlup int 3 ;breakpoint interrupt align 16 end bubsort

Sample program of arithmetic operation in assembly language?

The simple Assembly Programs: mov ax,15 mov bx,45 add ax,bx int 21 This is a simple Assembley programs that perform addition of two numbers like 15,45 in above example

What is the 8086 program to find the sum of n numbers?


How do you glue bx cable to steel beam?

You don't glue BX cable to steel. If it has to go on a beam, you usually hold it on with plastic 'tie wraps'. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Wire ties are not recommended for mounting armored bx cables to steel beams. Wire ties are normally used for bundling wires together to keep them neat, though some glue on cabinet tabs are made to mount wires inside control cabinets. These are not meant for external wire mounting. Cast aluminum clamps are made that hold the bx cable to the beam. a hole must be drilled in the beam to mount the clamps with screws, OR specially made mounting clamps (similar to c-clamps can be mounted to the edge of the beam, then the clamps mounted to those. It is recommended there be no less than one clamp every 6 feet (~2 meters).

The degree of a quadratic equation?

The Quadratic Formula song: (my grade saver) To the tune of the jack in the box song X equals negative B plus or minus square root of B squared minus 4AC all over 2A :)

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What does bx stand for in bx cable?


Write a program to subtract two 16 bit numbers in microprocessor 8086?

.code main proc mov ax,@data mov ds,ax lea dx,msg ;printing msg mov ah,09h int 21h mov ax,x ;ax=x mov bx,y ;bx=y cmp ax,0 ;jump to l3 if ax is negtive jb l3 cmp bx,0 ;jump to l6 if bx is negative jb l6 cmp ax,bx ;if ax<bx,then jump to l1 jl l1 sub ax,bx ;else normal sub mov diff,ax ;diff=result is stored jmp l2 l1: ;iff (+)ax<(+)bx neg bx ;bx=-bx clc add ax,bx neg ax ;-ans=ans mov diff,ax mov dx,2dh ;print '-' mov ah,02h int 21h jmp l2 l3: ;iff (-)ax neg ax ;-ax=ax cmp bx,0 ;jump to l4 if bx is negative jb l4 clc add ax,bx ;ax=(+)ax+(+)bx mov ax,diff mov dx,2dh ;print '-' mov ah,02h int 21h jmp l2 l4: ;if (-)ax & (-)bx neg bx ;-bx=bx cmp ax,bx ;if ax>bx then jump to l5 jg l5 sub ax,bx ;else ax-bx mov diff,ax mov dx,2dh ;print '-' mov ah,02h int 21h jmp l3 l5: ;if(-)ax>(-)bx xchg ax,bx ;exchange ax and bx sub ax,bx ;ax-bx mov diff,ax ;ans is positive jmp l2 l6: ;iff (-)bx neg bx ;-bx=bx add ax,bx ;ax-(-)bx mov diff,ax ;ans will be positive mov ah,4ch int 21h main endp

Program to subtract two 8 bit numbers using 8086 microprocessor?

I have a code for 16 bit subtraction.. just replace ax by al,bx by bl etc... .code main proc mov ax,@data mov ds,ax lea dx,msg ;printing msg mov ah,09h int 21h mov ax,x ;ax=x(any number) mov bx,y ;bx=y( " ") cmp ax,0 ;jump to l3 if ax is negtive jb l3 cmp bx,0 ;jump to l6 if bx is negative jb l6 cmp ax,bx ;if ax<bx,then jump to l1 jl l1 sub ax,bx ;else normal sub mov diff,ax ;diff=result is stored jmp l2 l1: ;iff (+)ax<(+)bx neg bx ;bx=-bx clc add ax,bx neg ax ;-ans=ans mov diff,ax mov dx,2dh ;print '-' mov ah,02h int 21h jmp l2 l3: ;iff (-)ax neg ax ;-ax=ax cmp bx,0 ;jump to l4 if bx is negative jb l4 clc add ax,bx ;ax=(+)ax+(+)bx mov ax,diff mov dx,2dh ;print '-' mov ah,02h int 21h jmp l2 l4: ;if (-)ax & (-)bx neg bx ;-bx=bx cmp ax,bx ;if ax>bx then jump to l5 jg l5 sub ax,bx ;else ax-bx mov diff,ax mov dx,2dh ;print '-' mov ah,02h int 21h jmp l3 l5: ;if(-)ax>(-)bx xchg ax,bx ;exchange ax and bx sub ax,bx ;ax-bx mov diff,ax ;ans is positive jmp l2 l6: ;iff (-)bx neg bx ;-bx=bx add ax,bx ;ax-(-)bx mov diff,ax ;ans will be positive mov ah,4ch int 21h main endp

When was Citroën BX created?

Citroën BX was created in 1982.

When was BX Warrior created?

BX Warrior was created in 2006.

When was Toyota BX created?

Toyota BX was created in 1951.

Where did BX get its name?

The term BX is a trademark owned by GE. The term "BX" is a short form for Bronx because GE had a facility to make the cable.

Was silver ever used in bx wire?

No, silver was never used in BX cable.

What is Ax plus bx plus c?

Ax + Bx + C is called an algebraic expression.

How do you install games on china mobile A300 BX?

how to install china mobile BX a300

Solve bx plus cy equals d for x?

bx+cy=d bx=d-cy x=d-cy ----- b answer: d-cy ----- b

What is a BX connector?

A BX connector is a special type of box connector used for securing a BX cable to a junction box. BX is a type of armoured cable that is used for specific locations where ordinary Romex cable could become damaged. Before the connector is installed onto the BX cable there is a small PVC collar to be installed. In the trade it is called an anti short. It slides between the outer sheath of the BX and the conductors inside the sheath. It adds protection for the inner conductors from rubbing against the outer sheath if any vibration is involved in the installation. There is usually a small hole in the BX connector and the red anti short can be seen through this hole. This makes it easy for the electrical inspector to see if the anti short bushing has been installed during an inspection, and they do check.