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Use Pythagoras' therom:

32+32 = 18

The square root of 18 is 4.242640687 units which is the length of the diagonal.

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Q: A side of a square has length 3 what is the length of its diagonal?
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How do you increase a square to a rectangle so that the relation of its vertical and horizontal borders is 1 against square root 3?

You draw a rectangle that has a diagonal which length is equal to twice the length of the side of the square.

What is the side length of a square with a diagonal of 5 units?

Using Pythagoras' theorem each side measures 3.536 units rounded to 3 decimal places

How do you find the volume of a cubical box when diagonal is given?

Cool question ! Answer - half it then cube it to prove it - an example for you if cube diagonal (not square diagonal) is 100, then using pythagoras theorm the square diagonal = 70.71068, If square the square diagonal = 70.71068, then using pythagoras theorm the side length = 50 therefore the volume = 50 ^ 3 = 25000 units works with any numbers

What is the length of the diagonal square that has an area of 400 square inches using the Pythagorean theorem?

Each side of the square is 20 inches and by using Pythagoras' theorem its diagonal is 20 times the square root of 2 which is about 28.284 inches rounded to 3 decimal places.

A man walking at the speed of 4 kmph crosses a square field diagonally in 3 minutes. the area of the field is.?

4 km/h = 4,000/60 meters per minute3 minutes at this speed = 12,000/60 = 200 metersThe diagonal of a square = (length of the side) x sqrt(2) .Length of the side = (diagonal)/sqrt(2)Area = (side)2 = (diagonal)2/2 = (200)2/2 = 20,000 square meters

What is the formula to find the diagonal of a rectangle?

The diagonal of a rectangle is the third and longest side of a triangle with sides the same as those of the rectangle, so its length is the square root of the sum of the squares of the lengths of the sides of the triangle, (Pythoagoras' Theorem) which are also the sides of the rectangle. If the rectangle is 3 inches by 4 inches, then the diagonal is the square root of 3 squared (= 9) and 4 squared (= 16) so the diagonal is the square root of 16 + 9 = 25, giving it the length of 5 inches.

What is thee side length in meters of a square that has an area of 9 square meters?

Since Area = side length x side length And 9 = 3 x 3 The side length is 3 metres

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The longest diagonal in a cube is equal to the length of the edge, multiplied by the square root of 3.

The area of a square is 9 square feet What is the length of each side?

The length of each side is 3 feet.

What is side length in meter of a square that has an area of 9 square meters?

Each side of the square is 3 meters in length

What is the approximate length of the diagonal of a square if the perimeter of the square is 12 feet?

The perimeter = 12 feetthen the square diagonal = 12/4 = 3 feet The diagonal2 = 3x3 + 3x3= 18 feetThe diagonal = square root of 18 = 3x 21/2 feet = 3 x 1.4142 = 4.2426 feet

What is the approximate perimeter of a square with a diagonal of 3 feet 9 inches?

1 ft = 12 in Using Pythagoras: diagonal² = side² + side² = 2 × side² → side² = diagonal² ÷ 2 → side = diagonal ÷ √2 perimeter = 4 × side = 4 × diagonal ÷ √2 = diagonal × 2√2 = 3 ft 9 in × 2√2 = 3 × 12 + 9 in × 2√2 = 45 in × 2√2 ≈ 63.6 in = 5 × 12 + 3.4 in = 5 ft 3.4 in