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You haven't specified the area of the smaller rectangle

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Q: How many smaller rectangles are there in an area model that represents 27 x 83?
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How many smaller rectangles are there in an area model that represents 27 times 83 what are the dimensions and why?

2 27 X83 ------- 81 16,641 +16,560. | ---------- The answer 16,641

How are rectangles related to the distributive property?

Rectangles are related to the distributive property because you can divide a rectangle into smaller rectangles. The sum of the areas of the smaller rectangles will equal the area of the larger rectangle.

How do you work out the area of an L shape?

You should break it down in to smaller shapes. Two rectangles. Then figure out all the lengths. Multiply to find the area of the two rectangles. then add the products to get the final area.

Do the rectangular parallelogram both have the same area explain why or why not?

No. A rectangle and a parallelograms are desciptions of quadrilateral shapes. There is no indication of the size of either. So some rectangles are smaller than some parallelograms and some parallelograms are smaller than some rectangles.

What is an Area Model?

a model for multiplication problems, in which the length and width of a rectangle represents the product.

How do you find the area of the shaded region in a rectangle?

You will need to divide the shaded area into smaller parts, such as triangles or rectangles, or find the length of sides of these polygons.

How do you find an area of an unusual shape?

You divide the shape into smaller shapes you can calculate, like rectangles and triangles. If the shape is irregular, you have to approximate, for example by dividing it into many narrow rectangles. This technique is called "integration".

How do you find the are of a cross?

You could consider the cross as two intersecting rectangles. Calculate the area of both rectangles and the area of the intersection (overlap). Then area of cross = sum of the areas of the rectangles minus the area of the overlap.

What is the area of a L shaped room?

An L-shaped area can be divided into two rectangles. The total area is the sum of the areas of the two rectangles.

How many rectangles can be made with an area of 10 square inches?

The answer is Infinite...The rectangles can have an infinitely small area and therefore, without a minimum value to the area of the rectangles, there will be an uncountable amount (infinite) to be able to fit into that 10

How do you figure the square footage of a home?

Model each floor of the house with one or more rectangles, compute the area of each of these rectangles, and sum them to the total square footage. If the shape of you house if really complicated you may have to throw a triangle in there, but most houses can be approximated well enough using rectangles.

What is the difference between inscribed and circumscribed in integration?

When rectangles are inscribed, they lie entirely inside the area you're calculating. They never cross over the curve that bounds the area. Circumscribed rectangles cross over the curve and lie partially outside of the area. Circumscribed rectangles always yield a larger area than inscribed rectangles.