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Q: What is a characteristic of a switched logical topology?
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The media access control protocol can be very simple

Can a single physical topology support multiple logical topology?

Yes, a physical topology can support multiple logical topologies.

A domain is an example of what type of logical network topology?

Domain is client-server logical topology.

What is the logical topology for mesh topology?

topology is function of x..........then the family of x belong to topology

What is the logical topology used for ethernet architecture?

Topology: physical ring of trees, logical ring

What is the conclusion of topology?

it is the physical & logical arringment is called topology

Can physical topology support multiple logical topology give reason?

physical topology support multiple logical topology because quality and speed of cable wires effect efficiency of network

SONET uses which topology?

SONET use RING physical topology and TOKEN logical topology. As simple as that. Logical topology deals with the data transmission. Physical topology deals with how the network is connected physically , BUS, RING, STAR and the like.

What is the difference between physical and logical topology?

Physical topology are says how the wire are interconnected, while Logical topology is how the network behaves and interoperates.Sk wasim ul HaqueKharagpur, Madpur

Can a single physical topology support multiple logical topologies give the reason?

Can a single physical topology support multiple logical topologies give a proper reason.

The most common logical topologies are the ring and?

bus topology, ring topology

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