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Yes, they are.

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Q: Are natural numbers a subset of rational numbers?
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Are all rational numbers in the set of whole numbers?

No. But all whole numbers are in the set of rational numbers. Natural numbers (ℕ) are a subset of Integers (ℤ), which are a subset of Rational numbers (ℚ), which are a subset of Real numbers (ℝ),which is a subset of the Complex numbers (ℂ).

What is the relation between integers natural numbers whole numbers rational and irrational numbers?

Natural numbers = Whole numbers are a subset of integers (not intrgers!) which are a subset of rational numbers. Rational numbers and irrational number, together, comprise real numbers.

Are the rational numbers a subset of integers?

No, integers are a subset of rational numbers.

What is a number that is a natural number and an irrational number?

Natural numbers are a part of rational numbers. All the natural numbers can be categorized in rational numbers like 1, 2,3 are also rational numbers.Irrational numbers are those numbers which are not rational and can be repeated as 0.3333333.

What are the subset of the real number system?

Irrational Numbers, Rational Numbers, Integers, Whole numbers, Natural numbers

Is rational number not a subset of integer?

No, rational numbers are not a subset of integers.

Is the number 56 a rational number whole number natural number or irrational number?

56 is a rational whole natural number. Or to put it another way: 56 is a Natural number, but as all natural numbers are also whole numbers 56 is also a whole number, but as all whole numbers are also rational numbers 56 is also a rational number. Natural numbers are a [proper] subset of whole numbers; Whole numbers are a [proper] subset of rational numbers. The set of rational numbers along with the set of irrational numbers make up the set of real numbers

Is 0.02020020202 a natural?

Decimal numbers can never be natural and irrational number are not rational.Natural numbers are subset of rational numbers.Hence, 0.02020020202 is not a natural number.

What are the hierarchy of real numbers?

Starting at the top, we have the real numbers. The rational numbers is a subset of the reals. So are the irrational numbers. Now some rationals are integers so that is a subset of the rationals. Then a subset of the integers is the whole numbers. The natural numbers is a subset of those.

Integers are a subset of what types of numbers?

Integers are a subset of rational numbers which are a subset of real numbers which are a subset of complex numbers ...

Which sets of numbers are a subset of the real numbers?

The natural numbers (ℕ) are a subset of the integers (ℤ) which are a subset of the rational numbers (ℚ) which are a subset of the real numbers (ℝ): ℕ ⊂ ℤ ⊂ ℚ ⊂ ℝ → ℕ ⊂ ℝ and ℤ ⊂ ℝ as well as ℚ ⊂ ℝ

Does every point on the real number line correspond to a rational number?

No. There are several real numbers that are not rational (e.g. pi). However, every rational number is also a real number. In general, whole numbers/natural numbers is a subset of the integers (i.e. every whole number is an integer), the integers is a subset of the rationals, the rationals are a subset of the real numbers. I think the real numbers are a subset of the complex numbers, but I'm not 100% positive on that.