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Q: Are the mean and median equal in a chi-square distribution?
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Are the mean and median equal in a normal distribution?


Can the mean be equal to the median?

Yes, and they WILL be if the distribution is symmetrical.

Are the mean and the median always equal?

No. They are equal only if the distribution is symmetrical.

How are the mode and median the same?

Mean, median, and mode are all equal in a normal distribution.

In a unimodal symmetrical distribution the mean is equal to?

The median and mode.

What is the relationship among the mean median and mode in a symmetric distribution?

They are all equal . . . they are the same.(In an asymmetric distribution they are not equal.)

For a symmetric distribution of data the mean is equal to which other quantity?


What is the relationship among the mean median and the mode in a symmetric distribution?

All equal.

What are the median and mode of a normal distribution if the mean is 22 and the standard deviation is 4?

The mean, median, and mode of a normal distribution are equal; in this case, 22. The standard deviation has no bearing on this question.

Is the mean and median similar?

The Mean is the average of a given set of values. The Median is the value that has the same number of smaller values than the number of higher values, it is in the middle of them. In a symmetrical distribution the Mean is equal to the Median. In an asymmetrical distribution they have different value.

If the mean of a symmetric distribution is 130 which of these values could be the median of the distribution?

If it is a symmetric distribution, the median must be 130.

Can the distribution of the mean median and mode be equal if the are positively skewed or negatively skewed or symmetric?

Not necessarily.