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Not really. The distribution is not only discrete but also heavily skewed. However, the average number of children in sets of families can be approximated by the normal distribution.

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Q: Can the mean of a discrete variable like the number of children be normally distributed?
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Neither. It is a discrete variable.

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Yes. (Although it is normally recorded in a discrete form.)

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No.A discrete variable is a variable that can not assume all possible values within a given range.For example, if I were to conduct a survey on the number of children people had, then my answers would be numbers such as 0, 1, 2 and so forth (i.e. they would be whole numbers). This particular variable could not have a value in between these (a non integer value), such as 1.345, as this makes no sense in this context. This makes the variable discrete.

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There are many variables that are not normally distributed. You can describe them using a probability distribution function or its cumulative version; you can present them graphically.

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Yes, is a discrete variable.

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It means that the probability distribution function of the variable is the Gaussian or normal distribution.

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