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Decimals, like integers, can be either positive or negative. -3/4 = -0.75

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Q: Does a decimal come before a negative?
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What decimal numbers come before zero?

Well, isn't that a happy little question! Before zero, we have all the negative decimal numbers, like -0.1, -0.2, -0.3, and so on. Each of these numbers may be small, but they're all important in creating a balanced and beautiful number line. Just remember, in the world of numbers, every value has its place and purpose.

Does the negative sign come before or after the dollar sign?

Does the negative sign come before or after the dollar sign?The negative sign comes before the dollar sign.

How do you represent a negative number in Binary Coded Decimal?

All I know is that when a number is negative, you convert the decimal into binary and if it is negative you put 1111 before the binary digits.

What does a negative decimal plus a negative decimal equal?

A negative decimal plus a negative decimal equals a more negative decimal

How do you write a negative decimal as a fraction?

just have the fraction be negative(do this by putting the negative symbol on the denominator, numerator or before the fraction).

What comes before 0 in decimals?

Any negative decimal comes before zero in decimals.

How do you convert a negative decimal to a fraction?

Convert the absolute value of the decimal to a fraction and then put a minus sign before it.

When converting a negative fraction into a decimal is the decimal positive or negative?

The decimal would be negative. Ex: -2/3 is -0.67

Is it possible to have negative decimal numbers?

yes, it is possible to have a negative decimal.

Are nagative numbers always numbers decimal negative?

Any number, negative or positive, can be expressed as a decimal number. So a negative number can always be expressed as a negative decimal.

Can a decimal be a positive number?

A decimal can be a positive or negative number.

What kind of number is -23.8?

a negative decimal number, a rational number, a nice number