No. If you multiply two prime numbers, any prime numbers, the result will - by definition - not be a prime number. For example, if you multiply 2 x 3, the result will obviously be divisible by 2 and by 3, and therefore, not be a prime number. By the way, one is not usually considered a prime number.
There is no biggest prime number: they go on for ever.
No, a nonprime number multiplied by a nonprime number will be a nonprime number.
NO!!! By the fact that you are multiplying two numbers together, the answerv is ALWAYS composite.
Well.... it actually depends. like 100 divided by 20 is 5 which is a prime. but 200 divided by 50 is four which is four and not a prime number.
No. If you multiply two prime numbers, any prime numbers, the result will - by definition - not be a prime number. For example, if you multiply 2 x 3, the result will obviously be divisible by 2 and by 3, and therefore, not be a prime number. By the way, one is not usually considered a prime number.
Yes. 120/20 = 6 All three numbers are composites.