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Since distance (D) equals velocity (V) xtime (T) (D = V x T), then time equals distance divided by velocity or T = D/V.

For example, going 20 miles per hour for 2 hours will move a distance of 40 miles. Looking at it the other way, 40 miles divided by 20 miles per hour will equal 2 hours of travel time.


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Q: Equation for time as a function of distance and velocity?
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What is the equation of velocity?

Velocity = Distance/Time V = d/t

If an object is accelerating what equation relates the distance traveled by that object to the initial velocity final velocity and time?

The equation that relates the distance traveled by a constantly accelerating object to its initial velocity, final velocity, and time is the equation of motion: [ \text{distance} = \frac{1}{2} \times (\text{initial velocity} + \text{final velocity}) \times \text{time} ] This equation assumes constant acceleration.

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V=distance divided by time

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Use the velocity equation, Velocity = distance/time but because you are looking for time, you have to change the equation by multiplying by time and dividing by velocity to get, Time = Distance/Velocity Now plug in your values to get, time = 170 miles/65 mh-1 time = 2.6153846 hours

Why the second is squared in acceleration?

it is very simple........... velocity or speed = distance / time. acceleration = velocity / time but, we know that velocity = distance / time so just substitute the equation of velocity in acceleration...... so, finally we get , acceleration = distance/time*time so it is time squared.

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If you are only given total distance and total time you cannot. If you are given distance as a function of time, then the first derivative of distance with respect to time, ds/dt, gives the velocity. Evaluate this function at t = 0 for initial velocity. The second derivative, d2s/dt2 gives the acceleration as a function of time.

How do you write an equation for distance?

Distance= speed/ time D=V/t (capitals are important for distance and velocity

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When you have a number (or a function) written in the form a/b then b is the denominator (a is the numerator). a nd b may be numbers or variables. For example, in the equation: velocity = distance/time, time is the denominator.

How many hours are in 3194 miles?

the amount of time it takes to travel 3194 miles depends on the speed or velocity and the weight of the object travelling the distance. This is explained in the physics/math equation Distance=(Velocity) x (Time) or when rearranged Time= (Distance)/(Velocity)

Distance equals velocity time the equation sHow is that distance varies as time?

Distance is dependent on time. If there is no time, there is no distance, as distance = velocity * time. As time or speed increases so will distance, therefore, if distance increases, either speed or time must increase. If either speed or time = 0, then distance will equal 0.

What is the equation needed to find the time it takes for a baseball from the pitcher's mound to home plate at 100 miles an hour?

In physics, Velocity = Distance/Time. Therefore, Time= Distance/Velocity. Insert the Velocity and you get Time= Distance/100. However you'd have to convert either the distance to miles or velocity to feet. 1 mile= 5,280 feet

How to find out the velocity when acceleration and distance is given?

The equation that does involve time is.. v² = v₀² + 2ad