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-3, -6, -9, -12, -15, -18. You get these by replacing the n with 1, then 2 and so on up to six. So -3 x 1 = -3 -3 x 2 = -6 and so on.

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Q: First six terms with the nth term of -3n?
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they serve a term of six years i do not think there is a limit to how many terms they can serve but i know the term is served for six years

How many terms can a person serve as senator?

they serve a term of six years i do not think there is a limit to how many terms they can serve but i know the term is served for six years

What is the sum of first six terms of a sequence whose nth term is 4n-2?

The first 6 terms would be when n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. And since the nth term is 3 - 4n, you would simply substitute the first six numbers for n:* n = 1; 3 - 4(1); 3 - 4; -1 * n = 2; 3 - 4(2); 3 - 8; -5 * n = 3; 3 - 4(3); 3 - 12; -9 * n = 4; 3 - 4(4); 3 - 16; -13 * n = 5; 3 - 4(5); 3 - 20; -17 * n = 6; 3 - 4(6); 3 - 24; -21 -1, -5, -9, -13, -17, -21

Who serves a term for 6 years?

A senator has a six year term limit. However, there are no set amount of terms a senator can serve. Thus, they can serve as many terms as they are elected to.A senator has a six year term limit. However, there are no set amount of terms a senator can serve. Thus, they can serve as many terms as they are elected to.A senator has a six year term limit. However, there are no set amount of terms a senator can serve. Thus, they can serve as many terms as they are elected to.A senator has a six year term limit. However, there are no set amount of terms a senator can serve. Thus, they can serve as many terms as they are elected to.A senator has a six year term limit. However, there are no set amount of terms a senator can serve. Thus, they can serve as many terms as they are elected to.A senator has a six year term limit. However, there are no set amount of terms a senator can serve. Thus, they can serve as many terms as they are elected to.

How long is the term senators serve when elected?

Six-year terms

What is the limit of terms of the senate?

Each term lasts six years, and there is no limit to the number of terms a senator can have.

How long is the length of the US senate terms?

The length of a US Senate term is six years.

What is the term of a US Senator?

Six years is the terms they are elected for.