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Q: For an average vehicle the total stopping distance at 55 mph is at least and increases to at least when increased to 70 mph?
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What will happen to the average speed of an object if the distance increases but the time decreases?

If the distance increases but the time decreases, the average speed of the object would increase. This is because speed is calculated as distance divided by time, so when distance increases and time decreases, the ratio of distance to time increases, resulting in a higher average speed.

What is the equal distance if you travel 45 miles stopping 9 times?

You're stopping every 5 miles, on the average.

What is the distance your vehicle travels while stopping?

The distance your vehicle travels while stopping depends on various factors such as your speed, road conditions, and reaction time. On average, a car traveling at 60 mph can take anywhere from 100-130 feet to come to a complete stop.

What is the stopping distance for an average mid-size car going 55mph?

275 feet

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The average particle speed increases.

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The average kinetic energy of colliding particles can be increased by increasing temperature.

What is the thinking distance the braking distance and the overall stopping distance for a veichle travelling at 20mph?

At 20 mph, the average thinking distance is around 20 feet, while the braking distance is approximately 20 feet as well. Therefore, the overall stopping distance for a vehicle traveling at 20 mph would be around 40 feet.

What is the stopping distance for a car going 50 MPH in feet?

Depends entirely on the size of the vehicle. The average stopping distance for a vehicle is around 160 feet. That includes 51 feet you will travel during your reaction time. And 109 feet braking distance.

If distance is increased but time remains the same what would happen to your average speed?

The average spped increase

What is the stopping distance at 55mph?

That depends on what vehicle you are stopping from 55 mph. the laws of physics come into play. The heavier the vehicle the longer the stopping distance. So I cannot give an accurate answer except to say that from 60 mph the average for a mid-sized car is around 135 feet.

What can you conclude about the relationship between distancetime and average speed?

The average speed of an object is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken. Therefore, there is a direct relationship between distance, time, and average speed. If the distance traveled increases while the time taken remains constant, the average speed will increase. Conversely, if the time taken to travel a certain distance increases, the average speed will decrease.

An average freight train traveling at 30 MPH needs a stopping distance of more than?
