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Q: How are rectangular prisms and priamides the same?
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Are rectangles and rectangular prisms the same thing?

No, rectangular prisms are 3 dimensional and rectangles are only 2 dimensional.

Is it possible for two rectangular prisms to have the same volume but not the same measurements?

Two different rectangular prisms can both have the same volume of 72 cm3

What two different rectangular prisms have same surface area?

Given any rectangular prism, there are infinitely many other rectangular prisms with exactly the same surface area.

How are rectangular prisms and pyramids are the same?

they are the same because, they both have rectangular bases. Rectangular prisms are rectangular from the top and bottom (they are flat) while a rectangular pyramid has a point on the top where all of the edges meet. A pyramid has a tip at the top which unables it to stand on the tip while prisms can anyways.

Are cuboids and rectangular prisms the same?

Yes, they are.

What are the dimensions of two rectangular prisms with the same surface area?

Given the surface area of a rectangular prism, there are infinitely many rectangular prisms possible.

How are rectangular prisms are alike?

They are all rectangular prisms!

If two rectangular prisms have the same volume do they have the same surface area?

well, they can, but they dont have to be no. :)

Why Are so Many Products Packed In Rectangular Prisms?

This is because there is no limit on rectangualar prisms and most boxes can hold cube or rectangular prisms not triangular pyrimids or prisms or hexagonal prisms.

Which has more surface area a rectangular prisms or rectangular pyramid?

For the same base dimensions (base area) and the same height, the rectangular prism has more surface area.

Are rectangular and triangular prisms pentagonal prisms?

A rectangular prism is like a chalkboard eraser. A triangular prism is a pyramid. A pentagonal prism is a three dimensional home plate. None of them are the same.

How many types of prisms are there?

There are many types of prisms such as rectangular prisms,polyganic prisms crossed prisms and etc.