A remainder can be any non-negative number that is less than the divisor. If the remainder is bigger than the divisor, the divisor can go into it another one (or more) times until the remainder is brought into that range.
Yes because there is no legit remainder. If you do 4 divided by 2 you get 2 with a 0 remainder or no remainder.
Divide the top number into the bottom number..when u get your ONE remainder (one you should only have one remainder don't keep going with the fraction or add a decimal) The top number is the big number to the side and the remainder is the numerator and the bottom is the dominater. And if it needs simplifying well simplify.
Yes it can because it doesn't matter how big the remainder is it can go to 1000.
If you need remainder it is 1 remainder 18, but if you need decimal it is 1.125.
67 IS TOO BIG TO GO INTO 4.But,4 could go into 67 16 times with a remainder of 3.
Yes because there is no legit remainder. If you do 4 divided by 2 you get 2 with a 0 remainder or no remainder.
60 cm x 0.3937008 = 23.6"23.6" ÷ 12 = 1' remainder 11.6" or 1' 11.6"