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Q: How cause is your estimated value to the measured temperatures of the water?
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How close is your estimated value to be measured temperature of the water?

Depends on you

How a measured value is reported in terms of known and estimated digits?

Significant Figure.

A student estimated a mass to be 250 g but upon carefully measuring it found the value to be 240 g. What is the percent error of the estimated mass if the measured value is the accepted one?


What if actual value - measured value is negative?

Then the measured value is larger than the actual value.

How many figures are all the digits in a measurement that have been measured exactly plus one digit whose value has been estimated?

significant thank you very much

Hellenistic scientist who estimated the value of pi?

Archimedes estimated the correct value of pi

What is absolute error?

Absolute error is the difference between an estimated or measured value and it's actually value.For Example:To determine the absolute error you would have to have a measurement or an estimate of whatever this object is. At which point you would take the difference between the estimated value and the actual value.For example: 21.571 is the True value 20.000 is the Recorded Value.Thus: (True value) - (Recorded Value) = Absolute error (21.571) - (20.000) = 1.571

How close is your estimated value measured temperature of the water?

how are temperature the amount of heat transferred and change in in temperature of related

Definition of guarantee error in instrumentation?

Deviation of the measured value from the true value of the variable being measured

What is percentage error?

Given a true value and the measured value,the error is measured value - true value;the relative error is (measured value - true value)/true value, andthe percentage error is 100*relative error.

What is the lowest possible pH value that can be measured in a solution?

The lowest possible pH value that can be measured in a solution is 0.

Can I get an estimated value of Condo?

You can get an estimated value of a condo by comparing other homes that were on sale in order to find a reasonable price for the condo.