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First, the decimal must be a representation of a rational number. If it is a non-repeating decimal, then multiply the decimal by the smallest power of ten to make it an integer - that number is the numerator. The power of ten that you used is the denominator. Then simplify.

Example: 0.372 --> 0.372 * 1000 = 372, so 0.372 = 372/1000 = 93/250

Repeating decimals are a little more involved. I'll show by example.

1/7 = 0.142857142857142857.... (I bolded the repeating 6 digits)

Multiply the number by a power of ten equal to number of digits that repeat (6 digits repeat, so we multiply by 106). Subtract the original decimal from the 'multiplied' number, and the repeating digits all cancel out:

142857.142857142857 - 0.142857142857 = 142857.00000 = 142857, this is the numerator of the fraction.

The denominator is the [power of ten minus one]. In this case 106 - 1 = 999999

So you have 142857/999999 which simplifies to 1/7.

Here's how this works: Let T be the power of ten that you're using, and x be the repeating decimal that you want to convert.

So you have T*x - x --> x*(T - 1). Then if we divide this by (T - 1) we are back to the original x [x*(T -1)] / (T-1) = x. The (T -1) in numerator/denominator cancel.

T*x - x

--------- = x {multiplications, subtractions, & division = the original number}

T - 1

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A math teacher or a mathematician.

How is a decimal and fraction related?

They are related because you can comvert decimals into fractions,and fractions into decimals.

Are decimals just as important as whole numbers?

Of course! Without decimals, you couldn't calculate percentages or fractions. Decimals allow you to break a number up. A decimal is basically a fraction, and when you calculate fraction adding, subtraction, multiplication, and division, sometimes it is easier to calculate a fraction by first changing it to a decimal instead.

When and why do you need decimals?

You need decimals when you measure and fractions. You need decimals, because to measure and fractions. Also, so whole numbers could exist if there are decimals. There will be no math if there's no decimals.