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Q: How do you calculate radius of gyration for circular section of pile?
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Radius of gyration of tubular steel of 60 mm diameter pipe?

radius of gyration = sqrt(Moment of inertia/cross section area) Regards, Sumit

What is the radius of gyration of a flywheel in the form of a uniform cylinder of radius 0.43m?

The radius of gyration of a uniform cylinder is half of its radius, so for a cylinder with a radius of 0.43m, the radius of gyration would be 0.43m/2 = 0.215m. It is the distance from the axis of rotation where the mass of the cylinder may be concentrated without changing its moment of inertia.

What is the relationship between Moment of inertia and radius of gyration?

I believe it is I = mk^2 where k is radius of gyration and m is mass.

Calculate volume of cylinder?

The volume is pi*r^2*h where r is the radius of the circular] cross section and h is the height (or length).

What is the radius of a cylinder?

The radius of a cylinder is half the thickness of its circular cross section.

What do you know about radius of gyration?

The radius of gyration is a measure, in mechanics, of the distribution of mass in an object relative to its centre of mass or a specified axis of rotation.

What is formula for radius of gyration?

The formula for radius of gyration is given by (k = \sqrt{\frac{I}{m}}), where (k) is the radius of gyration, (I) is the moment of inertia of the object, and (m) is the mass of the object. Radius of gyration is the distance from the axis of rotation where the entire mass of an object is considered to be concentrated.

Is radius of gyration a constant quantity?

No, the radius of gyration is not a constant quantity. It depends on the distribution of mass and the shape of the object. It is defined as the root-mean-square distance of the objects' parts from its center of mass.

Is radius of gyration depend on mass?

i thing radius of gyration does not depend upon mass because it is the distance between reference axis and the centre of gravity.

Is radius of gyration scalar or tensor?

The radius of gyration is a scalar quantity. It is a measure of the distribution of mass around an axis and quantifies how spread out the mass is from that axis of rotation.

Calculate cross sectional area of wire?

If the wire has a circular cross-section - the usual case - use the formula for the circle: pi x radius squared.

What is physical significance of radius of gyration?

Basically radius of gyration of a substance is defined as that distance from the axis of rotation from which if equivalent mass that of the substance is kept will have exactly the same moment of inertia about that axis of the substance.