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(y - z)(y - 5z)

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Q: How do you factor a trinomial in two variables like y2-6yz plus 5z2?
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How do you factor a trinomial that equals zero?

just like factoring any other trinomial.

What is and example of a trinomial in standard form?

standard form is like this y = a(x+p)^2 + q general form is like this = y = ax^2 + bx + c Factored form is like this = (x + X2) (x +x1) not sure about the variables there but, there's your answer.

Can you factor the gcf after factoring out the trinomials?

If you've factored out the trinomials and want to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the remaining terms, you can look for common factors among the coefficients and variables in each term. Let's say you have factored the trinomial � � 2 � � � ax 2 +bx+c into the form � ( � − � ) ( � − � ) a(x−r)(x−s), where � r and � s are the roots or solutions of the trinomial. Now, let's consider the factored form of the trinomial along with any additional terms you have: � ( � − � ) ( � − � ) additional terms a(x−r)(x−s)+additional terms To find the GCF, you'll look for common factors in the coefficients and variables. The GCF will be the product of the common factors. For example, if the remaining terms are 2 � − 4 2x−4, you can factor a 2 from both terms: 2 ( � − � ) ( � − � ) 2 ( � − 2 ) 2(x−r)(x−s)+2(x−2) Now, the GCF is 2 2 because it is the common factor in both terms. If you have specific trinomials or terms you'd like help factoring, feel free to provide them, and I can guide you through the process

What is the trinomal factor -7x?

I think you may be a bit confused. So sit tight and let me teach you a few things. You mentioned a trinomal. I believe you mean trinomial. Trinomal is not a word in the English language. The word trinomial means a group of terms that consists of three terms. Terms means something like x2 or 3x or 6b or 8n or 2/x or 6x3. When you have three of these together you have a trinomial. But remember when you have something like... 3x and 5x and 7x in the same group this is not a trinomial because they are all the same term. 3x and 5x and 7x you can add to 15x. Here is a good and practical example of a trinomial... x3 + x2 + x. This is three separate terms and you can not add them. Now you said factor also in your question. A factor means something that can be multiplied by another number to get the number you are given. The number you are given is -7x. The only factors are -7x and 1 or -1x and 7. Only these will give you -7x. If you got any more questions about math I'd be glad to answer them.

How do factor a trinomial expression with a leading coefficient not equal to 1?

To factor a trinomial in the form ax2 + bx + c, where a does not equal 1, the easiest process is called "factoring by grouping". To factor by grouping, you must change the trinomial into an equivalent tetranomial by rewriting the middle term (bx) as the sum of two terms. There is a specific way to do this, as demonstrated in the example.Take the quadratic trinomial 5x2 + 11x + 21. Find the product of a and c, or 5*2 = 10.2. Find factors of ac that when added together give you b, in this case 10 and 1.3. Rewrite the middle term as the sum of the two factors (5x2 + 10x + x + 2).4. Group terms with common factors and factor these groups.5x2 + x + 10x + 2x(5x + 1) + 2(5x + 1)5. Factor the binomial in the parentheses out of the whole polynomial, leaving you with the product of two binomials. 5x2 + 11x + 2 = (x + 2)(5x + 1)Notes:1. The same process is done if there are any minus signs in the trinomial, just be careful when factoring out a negative from a positive or vice versa.2. If you have a tetranomial on its own, you can skip the rewriting process and just factor the whole polynomial by grouping from the start.3. As in factoring any polynomial, always factor out the GCF first, then factor the remaining polynomial if necessary.4. Always look for patterns, like the difference of squares or square of a binomial, while factoring. It will save a lot of time.

What is definning variables?

A variable is any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types. An experiment usually has three kinds of variables: independent, dependent, and controlled.

How do you subtract like variables with different exponents?

You can't. You can only subtract like terms. Like terms must have exactly the same variables and exponents on the variables.

Factor this trinomial x2 plus 2x-15 equals?

You need to factor the following trinomial:x2 + 2x - 15In other words, you want to find an expression in this form, which is equal to the trinomial:(A + B)(C + D)Finding the values for A, B, C, and D is mostly a trial-and-error process, but here are a few tips that are helpful for situations such as this:AC (A times C) equals the number of the highest order in the trinomial (in this case, x2)BD equals the number of the lowest order in the trinomial (in this case, -15)AD plus BC equals the remaining number in the trinomial (in this case, 2x)Since A times C equals x2, we know that we have something like this:(x + B)(x + D)Now, we also know that -3 times 5 is -15, and -3 plus 5 is 2. So, we have found the following:(x - 3)(x + 5)You can use the FOIL pattern (multiply the First numbers, then the Outside, Inside, and Last numbers and add together) to check that this factorization is correct:(x - 3)(x + 5)= AC + AD + BC + BD= x2 + 5x - 3x - 15= x2 + 2x - 15It looks like that's the right answer. So, the factorization of this trinomial is (x - 3)(x + 5).

What is an experiment in which all variables are constant except the independent and dependent variables?

they are like cheese they are smooth and stuff like that

How do you multiply trinomials with binomials in algebra?

A binomial has two terms, while a trinomial has 3 terms. So both terms of the binomial will multiply each term of the trinomial (distribution property). After the multiplication you'll have 6 terms. Look for like terms, if there are, combine them.

How do you factor the trinomial n2-14n-72?

Since the third term is negative, you need a positive and a negative factor, like this:(n + ...) (n - ...)Find two numbers that, when multiplied, give 72, and whose difference is 14. Just try the different factors of 72. If that doesn't work, use the quadratic formula. (Hint: it does work, in this case.)

What are the terms that contain the same variables with corresponding variables having the same exponent?

like terms