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P=2b + 2h

perimeter = 2 (times) base (plus) 2 ( times) height

Here base means the width of the rectangle.

Then, P=2b + 2h


b=P/2- h

Therefore, Width=Perimeter/2 - Height

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Q: How do you find the width of a rectangle when you know the perimeter?
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How do you find the width of a rectangle if you know the perimeter and the length?

Perimeter = 2 * width + 2 * length, so rearranging --> width = (Perimeter / 2) - length

How do i find the perimeter of a rectangle if you know its length and its width?

Add up (two lengths) plus (two widths) and you have the perimeter.

How do you find the length and width of a rectangle if you only know the perimeter the perimeter is 26?

Its impossible to isolate both the length and width, but you can figure out the sum of one pair of length and width, which is 13.

How can you find the perimeter of a rectangle if you know its length and width?

The formula for perimeter is 2l+2w or 2*length + 2*width. This means that you multiply the length by two and multiply the width by two. Then, you add the two products together to find the perimeter.

How would you find the width if you only know the perimeter and length?

If it's a rectangle, just minus the length from the perimeter twice and than divide what you have by 2. Width = (Perimeter - (length*2))/2

How do you find the width of the rectangle?

If you know the area the divide area by length if you know perimeter subtract it by 2xlength and divide by 2

If you know the perimeter how do you find length?

To find the length given the perimeter of a rectangle, you would need the width as well. Since the perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of all its sides (2 lengths + 2 widths), you can rearrange the formula to solve for the length by subtracting twice the width from the perimeter and dividing the result by 2. Formula: Length = (Perimeter - 2*width) / 2.

How do I find the width of a rectangle if I know its length and its perimeter?

To find the width of a rectangle, multiply the lenght by 2 and subtract it from the perimeter. Once this is done you are left with the two width sides of the rectangle. To find the width divide this number by 2 and you have your answer. For exaple: P= 120 cm L= 40 cm L* 2 = 80 120 - 80 = 40 40/2 = 20 W=20

What is the area of a rectangle is the length is 16 and the primeter is 56?

The area of rectangle is : 896.0

What is the perimeter of the rectangle with a length of 8 inches is 48 square inches?

You must first calculate the width, using the formula for the area of a rectangle (plug in the numbers you know into the formula, and solve for width). Once you know this, you can plug in the numbers in the formula for a rectangle's perimeter.

How you can find the perimeter of a rectangle if you know its length and width?

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula P=2(L+W), where L is length and W is width. An example is a rectangle with length of 4 feet and width of 2 feet. So the perimeter is given by 2(4+2) which equals 12. Think of perimeter like a fence around someone's property. It's basically the border of the rectangle. To find it all you have to do is add all the sides together. This means that you add the length + length + width + width. You add the lengths and widths together twice because there are 2 sides that are length and 2 sides that are width.

How do you find the perimeter of a rectangle with only the width or length and the area given?

It not possible you nit witt that is not true length x width = area If you know length and area, solve width width = area / length then 2 x length + 2 x width = perimeter