When you multiply fractions together, you multiply the numerators together to get the numerator of the answer and you multiply the denominators together to get the denominator of the answer. For example:
1/2 * 2/3 = (1*2)/(2*3) = 2/6 = 1/3.
When multiplying exponents of the same base together, you simply add the two exponents and make that the exponent of the same base. For example:
22 * 23 = 25 = 32.
Or for the algebra-savvy:
x2 * x3 = x5.
No, you cannot use models to multiply fractions!!
pedmas mean parentheses exponets divide multiply add subtraction
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
yes. you multiply the numerator and denominator
to order fractions you can cross multiply two fractions at a time or you can convert all the fractions into decimals.
What you do with them is this i am going to give you an example: if you had 2 with the exponet 4 this is what you do: 2x2x2x2 and that would equal 8
first you answer the exponet part. then after you get your exponet answer you multiply it with the other number. and that's how you multiply exponent's
multiply and divide fractions!-.-
No, you cannot use models to multiply fractions!!
You multiply the fractions
When you add or subtract fractions you cross multiply and when you multiply or divide fractions you across multiply.
pedmas mean parentheses exponets divide multiply add subtraction
Yes you do.
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
yes. you multiply the numerator and denominator
Yes, there are times when you multiply fractions.