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x times y is "xy"

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Q: How do you multiply when you have a x and y in polynomials and you have to multiply them?
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Can polynomials have radicals?

no only the coefficients can. like rad 5 but not x or y

What is the process to solve multiplying polynomials?

what is the prosses to multiply polynomials

What is xy plus x plus 3y plus 3?

The problem to solve is: xy+x+3y+3 Multiply y and x Multiply the y and x Multiply y and x The y just gets copied along. The x just gets copied along. The answer is yx yx x*y evaluates to yx x*y+x evaluates to yx+x Multiply y and 3 Multiply y and 1 The y just gets copied along. The answer is y y 3*y evaluates to 3y The answer is yx+x+3y x*y+x+3*y evaluates to yx+x+3y The answer is yx+x+3y+3 x*y+x+3*y+3 evaluates to yx+x+3y+3 ---- The final answer isyx+x+3y+3----

How do you calculate x as a percentage of y?

x as a percentage of y = x/y * 100% divide x by y then multiply by 100%

How is multiplying polynomials different from adding them?

When you add polynomials, you combine only like terms together. For example, (x^3+x^2)+(2x^2+x)= x^3+(1+2)x^2+x=x^3+3x^2+x When you multiply polynomials, you multiply all pairs of terms together. (x^2+x)(x^3+x)=(x^2)(x^3)+(x^2)(x)+(x)(x^3)+(x)(x)=x^5+x^3+x^4+x^2 Basically, in addition you look at like terms to simplify. In multiplication, you multiply each term individually with every term on the opposite side, ignoring like terms.

How do you multiply three or more polynomials?

To multiply TWO polynomials, you multiply each term in the first, by each term in the second. This can be justified by a repeated application of the distributive law. Two multiply more than two polynomials, you multiply the first two. Then you multiply the result with the third polynomial. If there are any more, multiply the result with the fourth polynomial, etc. Actually the polynomials can be multiplied in any order; both the communitative and associate laws apply.

What is the distributive property when multiplying polynomials?

You just multiply the term to the polynomials and you combine lije terms

Write the polynomials with the zeros -3 -5 2?

(x - (-3)) (x - (-5)) (x - 2), or(x + 3) (x + 5) (x - 2)You can multiply the binomials to get a polynomial of degree 3.

How do you turn 5 x squared y into 10x y squared?

multiply by 2y/x

How do you divide freactions?

Flip the second fraction upside down and multiply. For example, if you want to divide (a/b) by (x/y), multiply (a/b) by (y/x).

Can Polynomials with the same roots can have different graphs.?

If you only look at the value of the roots and not their multiplicity then the answer is yes.The straight line y = x - 1 and the parabola y = (x - 1)^2 have the same root: x = 1. But the graphs are obviously different. All polynomials of the form y = (x - 1)^n will have x = 1 as the only root but they will have different shapes. The reason to this is that in the case of the straight line it is a root of multiplicity 1, in the case of a parabola it is a root of multiplicity 2 and in the case of y = (x - 1)^n it is a root of multiplicity n.

What does y represent in y equals 3x plus 5?

y is the result if you multiply x by 3 and add 5 to it. For example, if you claim that x is 1, then if you multiply x by 3 and add 5, you would get 8. This result, 8, is what y is equal to (when x equals 1).