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Carpenters need to be able to use fractions in order to construct furniture, walls, and other things properly. Being off a fraction of an inch can lead to very undesirable consequences when building things.

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Q: How does a carpenter use fractions?
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Which jobs would you need fractions to perform?

Any job that requires measuring would probably also require the use of fractions -- a chef, a carpenter, a lineman, an electrician are just some of the occupations that would involve using fractions and then of course there also would be the obvious occupations, those involving the teaching of math.

What tools do a maintenance carpenter use?

a carpenter uses a condom a carpenter uses a condom

How many jobs use fractions?

There are 137 jobs that use fractions.

Why do you use fractions in your teaching and learning of fraction?

It would be very difficult to teach and learn fractions if you did not use fractions!

How would you use fractions in nursing?

you can use fractions in nursing in when you weigh someone

How can you use models to multiply fractions?

No, you cannot use models to multiply fractions!!

How do you use the word carpenter in a sentence?

"A carpenter was called to fix the wooden porch."

What does a carpenter use?


How does a carpenter use exponents?

A carpenter won't usually have much use for exponents, or other advanced math topics.

Examples of fractions used in everyday life?

We use fractions in the grocery we use fractions in the grocery shops like half a dozen

How do teachers use fractions?

Teachers teach fractions to their students.

How you use the algorithm when multiplying fractions by fractions?

step by step