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A trapezoid is different from other quadrilaterals that have 2 pairs of parallel sides in that a trapezoid has only 1 pair of parallel sides of different lengths.

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Q: How is a trapeziod different from the other four types of quadrilaterals you have learned about?
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Why is a trapezoid different from other quadrilaterals?

There is no difference from other quadrilaterals because in common with other quadrilaterals it has 4 sides and 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees.

What makes a trapezoid different from other quadrilaterals?

A trapezoid only has one pair of opposite parallel sides of different lengths but like all other quadrilaterals it has 4 sides.

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A parallelogram has two pairs of sides which are parallel.

How is trapezoid different from other quadrilaterals?

It has 2 classifications which are a trapezoid and an isosceles trapezoid

Why Is a rhombus different from other quadrilaterals?

A rhombus's sides are all equal, but it has no right angles.

How is a trapezoid different from the other four types of quadrilaterals?

There are more than 4 other types of quadrilaterals.A trapezoid has only one pair of parallel sides. All other quadrilaterals have no parallel sides or two pairs.

How is a rectangle different from other quadrilaterals?

Rectangles have only right angles (which means 90o angles) whereas quadrilaterals can have any kind of angles, as long as they have 4 sides.

What quadrilaterals bisect each other?

Quadrilaterals do not bisect each other. They could in special cases. In parallelograms (types of quadrilaterals), the diagonals bisect each other.

How is parallelogram different from other quadrilaterals?

All four of it's sides are parallel to the one opposite it.

What attribute makes a trapezoid different from other quadrilaterals?

It has exactly one pair of parallel sides.

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