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Q: How many 4 number combinations can you make with the numbers zero through nine?
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You can make 5 combinations of 1 number, 10 combinations of 2 numbers, 10 combinations of 3 numbers, 5 combinations of 4 numbers, and 1 combinations of 5 number. 31 in all.

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How many numbers can you make with 3 7 8 9?

14 * * * * * Wrong! There are 15. 4 combinations of 1 number, 6 combinations of 2 number, 4 combinations of 3 numbers, and 1 combination of 4 numbers.

How many combinations of numbers can you make with digits 0 through 9?

∞ \ Infinite

How many five number combinations can you make from 5 numbers?

Only one.

How many 2 number combinations can you make with six numbers?

Assuming that the six numbers are different, the answer is 15.

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How many combinations can you make from the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 not multiplying?

The rearrangement of 5 figure numbers will be 5x4x3x2x1 which is 120 combinations, when you don't repeat a number.

How many 4 number combinations can be made out of 3 numbers?

None. You do not have enough numbers to make even one combination.

How many 3 number combinations can you make using the numbers 1-45?

Using the combination fuction, chose three numbers from 45 numbers. The answer is 14,190.

How many combinations of three digits can be made from the numbers 998?

Assuming you are treating each number as a number and not as an individual unit, the numbers you can make from these digits are 899, 989 and 998.

How many combinations can you make with three numbers?

You can make 6 combinations with 3 numbers. They are: 123 213 312 132 231 321 * * * * * NO! Those are permutations! In combitorials, the order does not matter so that the combination 123 is the same as the combination 132 etc. So all of the above comprise just 1 combination. With three numbers you can have 1 combination of three numbers (as discussed above), 3 combinations of 2 numbers (12, 13 and 23) 3 combinations of 1 number (1, 2 and 3) In all, with n numbers you can have 2n - 1 combinations. Or, if you allow the null combination (that consisting of no numbers) you have 2n combinations.