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None because without an equality sign the given terms can't be considered to be an equation.

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Q: How many and what type of solutions does the equation have 4x2 2 10x?
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An equation would be....,X2 - 10X + 16 = 0easy factoring(X - 2)(X - 8)==========So.X = 2====

What is 9x2 equals 10x plus 2?

It is a quadratic equation and its solutions can be found by using the quadratic equation formula.

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You are supposed to calculate the so-called discriminant, b2 - 4ac. If the result is positive, the equation has two real solutions; if it is zero, one real solution; if it is negative, no real solution (and two complex solutions). For this particular equation, a = 1, b = -10, and c = 25.

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Only one. 2x - 12x = 220 -10x = 220 x= 220/-10 x = -22

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Solutions: x = 9 and x = 1 Factored: (x-9(x-1) = 0 Equation: x2-10x+9 = 0

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Equation: 10x^2 -29x +10 = 0 When factored: (2x-5)(5x-2) = 0 Its solutions: x = 5/2 or x = 2/5

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If you mean: x-3x+27 = 8x-3 then -10x = -30 and x =3

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Equations: 2x-3y = 4 and 5x+2y = 1 Multiply all terms in 1st equation by 5 and all terms in 2nd equation by 2:- So: 10x-15y = 20 and 10x+4y = 2 Subtract the 2nd equation from the 1st equation: -19y = 18 => y = -18/19 By substitution the solutions are: x = 11/19 and y = -18/19

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1-10x = 81 -10x = 81-1 -10x = 80 x = -8

Is there a solution to the quadratic equation of 3x squared -10x equals -5?

Yes because rearranging it into the form of 3x2-10x+5 = 0 makes the discriminant of the quadratic equation greater than zero which means it will have two different solutions. Solving the equation by means of the quadratic formula gives x as being 2.721 or 0.613 both corrected to 3 decimal places.