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Through the magic of perms and coms the answer is 729

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Q: How many different 3 digit combinations can be made using numbers one through nine?
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If using 7 single digit numbers how many different combinations can you get?

Number of 7 digit combinations out of the 10 one-digit numbers = 120.

If using numbers 0 through 9 how many different 4 digit combinations can be made?


If using numbers 1 through 8 how many different 4 digit combinations can be made?


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How many 7 digit combinations can you have if you can only use the numbers 0 through 9 once each?

10!/3! = 604800 different combinations.

How many different combinations are possible multiplying 8 different 7 digit numbers?

56 combinations. :)

If using numbers 0 through 9 how many different 2 digit combinations can be made?

If there are no restrictions on duplicated numbers or other patterns of numbers then there are 10 ways of selecting the first digit and also 10 ways of selecting the second digit. The number of combinations is therefore 10 x 10 = 100.

How many 3 digit combinations numbers one through nine?

9!/6!, if the six different orders of any 3 digits are considered distinct combinations.

What are all the number combinations for the numbers 1 through four?

This question needs clarificatioh. There are 4 one digit number combinations, 16 two digit combinations, ... 4 raised to the n power for n digit combinations.

How many different four digit combinations are there of the numbers zero through nine and using one number twice in the combination?

There are 360 of them.

What are the different combinations of three digit numbers using 0-9?


If using numbers 1 through 9 how many different 4 digit combinations can be made with no restrictions on order or repeats?

Each digit can appear in each of the 4 positions. There are 9 digits, therefore there are 9⁴ = 6561 such combinations.