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Q: How many different integer values of x satisfy this inequality 8x 2-xx?
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Find all integer values of x that make the equation or inequality true x2 equals 9?

that would be limited to 3 and -3 for values of x

How do tell the solution of an inequality?

Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.

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An equation is a mathematical that asserts theequality of two expressions. An inequality is a relation that holds between two values when they are different.

How many different values can 128 bits represent?

A 128-bit register can store 2 128th (over 3.40 × 10 38th) different values. The range of integer values that can be stored in 128 bits depends on the integer representation used.

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a solution of inequality

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When would you shade to the right or left of an inequality on the number line?

Which region you shade depends on whether you are required to shade the possible values or the values that need t be rejected. In 2 or more dimensions, you would normally shade the regions to be rejected - values that are not solutions. With a set of inequalities, this will result in an unshaded region (if any) any point of which will satisfy all the equations.If the inequality is written in the form x < N where N is some given value, then the possible solutions are to the left of N and the rejected values are to the right. Whether the value N, itself, is shaded or not depends on whether the inequality is strict or not.

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Find the possible values of r in the inequality 5 > r - 3.Answer: r < 8