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Actually, as the word "permutation" [not permutations] has 11 letters, the answer is 11!/2! = 19,958,400

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Q: How many permutations are in the word permutation?
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8 digits will generate over 40,000 permutations.

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No. Simple permutations are composed of 2 factorials.

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How permutation differ from combination?

In permutations the order of the elements does matter. In combinations it does not.So, the permutations 1,2,3 and 3,1,2 are not the same. But they are the same combination.

How many distinguishable 5-letter combinations are possible of the letters of the word tight?

Normally, there would be 5!=120 different permutations* of five letters. Since two of the letters are the same, we can each of these permutations will be duplicated once (with the matching letters switched). So there are only half as many, or 60 permutations.* (the correct terminology is "permutation". "combination" means something else.)

When we use permutation or combination?

Permutation is when order matters, combination is when order does not matter

How do you find permutation?

If there are n objects and you have to choose r objects then the number of permutations is (n!)/((n-r)!). For circular permutations if you have n objects then the number of circular permutations is (n-1)!

What is a general formula for the permutation nPr in terms of n and r For instance if you have the permutation nP1 how do you find n?

Permutation Formula A formula for the number of possible permutations of k objects from a set of n. This is usually written nPk . Formula:Example:How many ways can 4 students from a group of 15 be lined up for a photograph? Answer: There are 15P4 possible permutations of 4 students from a group of 15. different lineups

How many distinguishable permutation in Cincinnati?

If the first and second C are indistinguishable, then there are 554,400 permutations. If one is upper case and the other is lower case, then there are twice as many.