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If the points are collinear, that means there's only one straight line.

An infinite number of different planes can be drawn that contain one straight line.

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Q: How many planes can be drawn when three distinct points are collinear?
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How many planes can be drawn between two district points?

Between 2 distinct points, there are an infinite number of planes that can be drawn in 3 dimensions

How many planes can be drawn through any three noncollinear points?

Only one plane can pass through 3 non-collinear points.

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If you only have two points, they are necessarily collinear, because a straight line can be drawn between any two points.

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How many lines can be drawn out of 14 points on a plane with no 3 or more points collinear?

There are 91 lines.

How many different lines can be drawn using 6 points if no 3 of which are collinear?

15 lines.

For 3 non collinear points how many straight lines can be drawn?

3 lines and one plane

Can nine straight lines can be drawn from nine collinear points?

Yes. You can draw infinitely many straight lines from each point.

How do you determine the number of segments that can be drawn connecting each pair of points?

If there are n points then the maximum number of lines possible is n*(n-1)/2 and that maximum is attained of no three points are collinear.

Three what points determine a plane?

Any three points will determine a plane, provided they are not collinear. If you pick any two points, you can draw a line to connect them. An infinite number of planes can be drawn that include the line. But if you pick a third point that does not lie on the line. There will be exactly one plane that will contain the line and that point you added last. Only oneplane can contain the line, which was determined by the first two points, and the last point.

Can three points be noncoplanar?

No, A plane can be drawn through any 3 points. If the 3 points are collinear then they make a line and a plane can contain a line. If the points are noncollinear then they can be used to form the corners of a triangle; all points of a triangle are in the same plane.

How many planes can be drawn through any three noncollinear points in a plane?

just one