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Mixing colours and figuring out room size all require the use of math fractions. Mixing ratios such as 1 gallon white base needs 1/8th oz. of black and 1 1/2 oz. blue pigment to achieve dark blue.

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Q: How painters use fractions?
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How many jobs use fractions?

There are 137 jobs that use fractions.

Why do you use fractions in your teaching and learning of fraction?

It would be very difficult to teach and learn fractions if you did not use fractions!

How do painters use math?

They have to measure what paint to use and what size canvass

Titans influence on other painters was largely a result of his use of what?

Well We can say Color because this can influence painters to be creative.

How would you use fractions in nursing?

you can use fractions in nursing in when you weigh someone

How can you use models to multiply fractions?

No, you cannot use models to multiply fractions!!

Examples of fractions used in everyday life?

We use fractions in the grocery we use fractions in the grocery shops like half a dozen

What is a painters knife?

As far as I know, painters don't use knives. What I think you could be asking is a putty knife used by drywallers.

How do teachers use fractions?

Teachers teach fractions to their students.

How you use the algorithm when multiplying fractions by fractions?

step by step

What are the ppl who might use pearlescent pigment?

Car painters.